chapter 6

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(7:15)Justin P.O.V

I'm at chaz house because i pick up both chaz and ryan I started my egine and drove

Chaz: dude look its Alexis

Ryan: you guys hang alot

Justin: it was for a project anyways I'll give her a ride to school

Ryan: dude do what you have yo do to get her

Justin: hey Alexis what a ride

Alexis: No its fine

That when i hoped out car and picked up over my shoulder and put her in the car

Alexis: Justin

(At school) Alexis P.O.V

Alexis: Thanks justin

Justin: No problem

I walked away to sierra since she got a ride from someone eles dicthing me

Sierra: hey

Alexis hey

Sierra: Don't hey me i though you said that you didn't like Justin

Alexis: I don' t

Sierra: Sure

Keep telling your self that

Justin: I think you left your phone in my car

Alexis: Thanks

Justin: hey Sierra

Sierra: Justin

Justin: hey Alexis do you wanna hang with chaz ryan and me today after school .

Alexis: um I don't know

Sierra: she would love too

Alexis: only if sierra can come

Justin: such

Sierra: where are going

Justin: Mandarin

Alexis: cool

Justin: cool

Justin P.O.V

Justin: Shit i'm late for class not that care but to see Alexis cause we sit next to each other in like every class so i'm starting to like class now I'm running to class and bump into Kylie fuck why now

Kylie: hey justin running for class i see

Justin: yeah so i gotta go

Kylie: I was thinking we have a little fun what do you say

Justin: no Kylie i don't have feeling for you anymore ok

Kylie: fine but were still on for mandarin right

Justin: yeah but I invited Alexis snd Sierra

Kylie: thats cool bye babe

I finally got to class with 2minutes to spare dame alexis so hot today i'm try not to get a boner

Ryan: hey bro

Justin: hey I invited Alexis to mandarin.

Chaz: Dud you invite Sierra man

Justin: yeah why

Ryan: do you like her

Chaz: No way

Justin: sure

Chaz: Ryan who do you like

Ryan: I don't know

Mrs.white:Ok class take your sit. Ok so we are having another project on taking care of a fake baby now let me say your patners

" this is the last 3

Chaz and Sierra

Ryan and Alexis

and last but not leaset

Justin and Kylie

Justin: hell no please no

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