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(After school) Alexis P.O.V

Me and sierra meet up with the guys

Ryan: were taking justin car ok

Alexis: ok

Chaz:  Sierra sit next to me


Sierra: alright

Justin: ryan you can drive

Ryan: fine

Justin: Alexis you wanna sit with me

Alexis: yeah

Ryan gave justin a drity look and mubbled somthing I couldn't put it together he was mubble somthing that when a girl came up

Kylie: lets go

Chaz: your late

Kylie: will have a life and socal buddies

Chaz: shut up

Kylie: fuck you Chaz

Justin: can we just goto mandarin

Kylie: sure babe

(At mandarin) Justin P.O.V

Girl: how many seats

Justin: 6 please

Girl: ok follow me please

we took our seats and started to talk aboult shit like how stupid teachers are and alexis was a little quite so i decied to have a little conv with her

Justin: what wrong

Alexis: nothing

Justin: you quite

Alexis: sorry

Justin: for what

Alexis: never mind

Justin: babe tell me

Alexis: its nothing i was just thinking

Justin: about what

Alexis: you

Justin: really

Alexis: i can' t wait for friday to come

Justin: so you wanna make it a date

Alexis: sure

that when alexis hand thouch mine. my heart start to raise but i acted cool

Hey i know this chapter was boaring and short but it will get better in the story vote and follow me on twitter

Twitter: alexisbieber547

vote please

xoxoxo bae

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