Tom x Reader

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ok so @SiriusGilmore this is what i hav so far

so basically Star built a fort, y/n made cookies, Tom awkwardly flirted with her again like last year, and you guys all fell asleep in the fort... everyone caught up?? If ur not well then read this again cuz im not explaining it again.. now ON TO LE STORY!!!

I woke up wrapped in Tom's arms in the fort that Star and I made last night. I saw Star and Marco in the corner also cuddling in their sleep. Tom seemed warm, as usual, but he looked a little more at peace than he usually does, even in his sleep. I felt hungry and wanted to get up, but I also couldn't bear to wake Tom up, so I tried to slowly get up. He stirred every now and then but aside from that I got up successfully and went to the kitchen.

There were some cookies left over from last night so I ate a few when I heard Star waking up. I hid behind the counter for some odd reason, my brain didn't work yet, I guess...

"......." Star stopped dead in her tracks and looked suspiciously into the kitchen, as if someone had broke in and was hiding. "Who's there??" She asked.

"Star its me!!" I said, getting up and turning around so she could see me. Her face lightened up and she lowered her wand to her side

"Oh, y/n!! I didn't know you were up yet," she said as she walked over to the counter to grab a cookie. Her face lit up as she started to eat the cookie.

welp here

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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