Chapter One: Bad at Love

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❤️😁Hey guys, the prologue should be done soon. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I worked pretty hard. Also Blake_Olsen (my old account) books will be up on my account soon.😁❤️

Chapter One:

"Happy birthday guys." My uncle Alec says while giving me and Liam a hug.

"Thank you." I say as I step back.

"How has your song writing been going?" He asks me while my aunt Felicity comes up to his side.

"Well, I've written a few songs...I've been trying." I tell him and he nods at me.

As Liam walks into the living room I look at the wall. And on the shelf is a picture of me, My dads girlfriend Clara, my brother Brice, and my twin Liam.

About 2 years ago, when we moved here to California, dad met a woman named Clara Williams. She is a first cousin to Alec Williams, famous music producer. Anyways, dad first moved us here to live with or by Beatrice, our mother, because she had our little sister Lilliana here in California.

Six months after we moved here, Beatrice moved them to Australia and dad decided to start dating Clara. One day she heard me singing and sent a video to her cousin, Alec, who produces music. He offered to sign me if I started writing my own songs and present to them by my 17 birthday.

"How about...How about I look at them after cake and presents, Okay?" He tells me.

I nod bringing my self out of my thoughts.

I smile and hug him tight. "Thank you so much uncle Alec." I say grabbing Liam's hand and running to my dad,Brice, and Clara.

"Alright, let me grab my notebook." I say to Alec as I stand up.

As I walk to my room, I start to smile widely.I've been singing for 10 years and today I could be signed to a great record company.

As I walk into my room, I see my guitar. Next to it is a picture of me and this guy I met at a camp in Wyoming.

As I walk back to the living room, I shake those thoughts out of my head. That was 2 years ago.

"Here it is." I say giving my notebook to Uncle Alec.

"Thank you, Lucy. Tomorrow or This weekend I will get back to you." He says walking towards the door.

"Bye Lucy!" Aunt felicity says as she pushes Alec out the door.


✨The Next Day✨

"Brice, can you drive me to school?" I ask Brice as I get my shoes on.

Sighing, he looks at me and nods.

"Thank you. Dad and Clara are ordering the car for me tonight." I say as we walk out to his Truck.

Brice wasn't always quiet. He played football and was in band in Texas. Whenever someone hurt me or Liam he went and beat them up.

"Hey Brice...I've been thinking..Why did you and Liam beat Haiden up that day?" I ask and he swerves on the road.

"Why are you bringing this up, Lucy?" He asks angrily as we pull up to Starbucks.

"Because Brice, Have you noticed that I haven't had a boyfriend or guy since I met him? I liked him and he liked me. But that last day he never said goodbye or anything to me." I tell him as tears start to form in my eyes.

"You are never going to get with him, Lucy. He lives in New York!" Brice yells as he drives up to the ordering thing.

After he orders, I turn the radio up and put my feet on the dash.

"And that song was 'Shooting star by Haiden Miller' we invited Haiden here for a interview about what Shooting Star is about." The Radio announcer says and I gasp loudly.

"Thank you, Millie." Brice says to the barista as he hands me my drink.

"Lucy, are you okay?" He asks me as I grab my drink from him and turn the radio up.

"So Haiden, You are living in California?" The announcer asks him.

"Yes Milo, I am. And to answer everyone's burning questions..Shooting star is about a girl I met at a Summer camp 2 years ago. I know that's one of the reasons we're doing this interview." Haiden answers to Milo.

As soon as Haiden says that, Brice slams his fist on the steering wheel.

"Could you maybe sing Shooting star for us?" Milo asks Haiden.

I can imagine him smiling and nodding.

"He better be somewhere praying because I'm gonna Kill that kid!" Brice yells as he pulls into the school.

"Baby you were brighter than the sun when I first saw you

You looked like a million diamond pieces

You messed with my head

You made my summer worth it

You told me 'You live and you learn....'

And when you told me about your home life...

I wanted to hold you tight and kiss you

Tell you everything was gonna be okay.." Haiden starts to sing and I start to cry a lot.

Soon Haiden finishes and Brice left me in the car.

"This is your song, LuLu. Happy late Birthday." He finishes and all my tears fall again.

He remembered my birthday. Not even Brice remembered at first.

He still hasn't.

As I hop out of the truck, I hear tons of girls screaming.

That's something new.

I turn my head towards the noise, a limo pulls up.

As I walk towards the school, I'm pushed down onto the ground.

"Ow.." I say looking at my ankle. At least I didn't twist it.

"I'm so so sorry. It's my first day at a new school and I'm trying to avoid some people." The person mutters grabbing my arm and helping me up.

"It's fine. I was running from my past." I say looking up at the guy.

"Hi, my names Haiden. Haiden Miller." He says to me.

"Hi I'm, wait what did you say your name was?" I ask gulping.

"My names Haiden Miller." He says and I finally comprehend what he says.

"You Jerk!" I yell slapping him and running inside.

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