♕ Chapter 21

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"Watch your mouth, Jessica. His grandfather is mine too," Alex said in an angry tone. He started to loose his temper. "Just get to the point, will you?"

"Relax," she smiled. The waiter came to them and poured a glass of wine for Alex. "Thank you," she said and then the waiter left them. She turned her eyes back to him. "We can work together," she spit her idea. "This way it'll be easier for us to have what we want. You, Rose and I, Seth," 

"Are you crazy? You're planning to seperate them?" Alex was taken aback. As much as she wanted Rose to be his, he never thought of seperating them. Jessica smirked. "Why not? Its the only way, Alex. Can't you see that they were starting to love each other?"

Alex didn't say a thing. He couldn't deniy everything she just said because it was true. Jessica saw the opportunity as she noticed that Alex was thinking hard. She continued, "Rose is yours, Alex. She's supposed to be your wife," Jessica conviced him. She knew that Alex is the real Crown Prince. "Think, Alex. Seth can't love her and make her happy the way you do. He doesn't deserve her,"

His mind was racing fast. Again,everything Jessica said was true. Seth always hurt her and made her cry. He doesn't deserve her. All he wanted is Rose to be happy and he realised that he's the only person who could do that. 

"I'm in,"


"You've been avoiding me," Rose drawled. She was sitting on the bench, in the school garden with Alex beside her. Alex smiled. "Sorry. I was just tired that day until I didn't notice you," he said apologitecally. 

"I know I'm short,"

Alex laughed. "I didn't mean that way, Rose," he smiled. "I have something to tell you," he informed and beamed on her. Rose turned her face to him and waited. "What?" she asked. Alex was slightly dissapointed but then he remembered that Rose didn't know Seth's birthday too. "This Sarturday is my birthday," he said.

Rose mouth fell open and she felt really guilty. "Oh my God, I didn't know," she gasped, closing her mouth using her hand. "No wonder you're mad at me," she thought. Alex shook his head. "I'm not mad at you because of that, Rose. I'm just telling you," he explained, smiling.

"Gotta write that date in my notebook," she chirped. "Next year, I'll be the first one to wish you!" she vowed and raised her right hand. Alex grinned. "Now, back to the point. I'll be celebrating my birthday; my mom insisted," he said boredly. 

"Where? Hawaii?"

"No," he rolled his eyes. "Just here, in Andorra. I'm not as special as Seth is," he said. "So, I want you to come," he continued before he realised that he missed someone. "And Seth too,"

"Count me in!" she said happily. "You told Seth about this?"

"No, you're the first one. I'll be inviting Luke, Alan and Jessica too if you're okay with it?" Alex asked as he didn't want Rose to be sad on his birthday party.

"I'm okay," she smiled assuringly. "Don't forget to invite Lily and Cassidy too. They'll be thrill and I'm sure Cass will shop the best present for you. She's your number one fan,"

"They're in my VIP list," Alex joked. The bell rang, indicating that they have to get to class. He tapped her lap. "Come on, we have Maths," he said and stood up to his feet. He offered his hands to pull her up.

"I hate Maths," Rose sighed and took Alex's hands as he pulled her up. They walked towards their class together and Alex was happy that everything is going well - for now. 


"Alex's birthday?" Seth repeated as Rose told him about the party. "Oh, ya. I almost forgot. Saturday, right?" he asked. Rose nodded. "Yep and he's doing a birthday party so he invited us," she informed. 

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