Chapter 2

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Time for the next chapter! Thank you and hugs and kisses for kpopangel2013 and TheGeorgianBox 'cause they were the first ones to vote for my story and I honestly didn't believe that anyone would ever vote for it! Thanks guys you made my day and I seriously think I love you xD

And this chapter isn't meant for little kiddies! Just warning!


Zelo's POV

It was 3am when I finally made it to Seoul. The trainstation was empty and guiet and I wasn't so sure where in Seoul it was. Obviously not in a rich area, maybe not even really inside Seouls limits. I was sitting on a bench with my bag next to me, thinking about what to do next. I didn't have a place to go and I definetly couldn't sleep at the station. I thought about going to a hotel, but I didn't want to waste all the money Eunjung gave me right away. God knows how long I had to survive with that money. Maybe I should go and find a nice trash can.

I was tired and I had a light headache, so I leaned down on the bench and used my bag as a pillow. I looked up at the gray, dirty ceiling and saw a spider on it. I grinned and turned onto my right side, but the view wasn't any better. Dirty white brick wall and more benches. At least my siblings were somewhere save, clean and warm.

Something black caught my eye and I snapped out of my thoughts. It disappeared behind the courner and I jumped up and picked my bag. I had a really bad feeling in my stomach and I desided to go outside. What ever it was, I didn't want to stay with it.

I was half way out when I saw it again, this time more clearly. It looked like a tall man and I picked up the speed, but I wasn't quick enough. He ran right in front of me and crushed me against the wall.

I felt the pain in my back and bit my lip so I wouldn't moan. The man's hands were on both sides of me and his face was uncomfortably close. He had the worst breath ever and his eyes were full of hunger. He had piercings on his face and he was wearing a black leather jacket and black baggy pants.

"Whassup cutie? Why 're you here alone at this time? It's dangerous you know", he said with husky, threatening voice. It sent bad chills down my spine and I looked away, not saying anything.

"Oh, a shy one", he said,  grabbed my chin and turned me to face him again, "this is going to be fun", he continued and looked straight into my eyes before he pressed his lips against mine. I frozed in panic and tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He pushed his whole body against me and slid his tongue into my mouth. I couldn't breathe and I was crushing between him and the wall. I hit his back with my free arm but he just continued sucking my lower lip. I tried to bite him, but failed. Kick, but his legs were blocking mine.

He pulled away from he kiss, just to move on to my neck. He bit me and I moved my head to get away from the pain, but he pulled me back. His other hand went down my left side, under my shirt. I shivered and struggled to get away, but he lifted me up against the wall, keeping me up with his other leg. His face was now in front of my chest. He leaned over, pulled my shirt up and licked my stomach. I was scared and discusted and I wanted him to stop. I pulled his hair and scratched his ears and neck. I started to scream, but he covered my mouth with his hand and hit my head in the wall. I started to see dots and he looked me with hungry, dark eyes.

"Don't you dare to scream boy, no one is going to help you, no one is going to hear you, and you're just pissing me of, do you really want that?", he said and I shaked my head with teary eyes. He pulled my shirt more and kissed my chest. I closed my eyes and turned my head away. I felt tears rolling down my face, but for some reason, I didn't mind. I hadn't cried in years.

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