They sat in silence, until Devon suddenly remembered the time and checked to see they had been too long.

"Let's go." Devon said, and felt disappointed as Annalice took her arm off of his shoulders.


Devon and Belle had decided to go together, since they reasoned that it wouldn't cause too much attention.

As they made it to the group that was now gathered behind a large sapling, Logan and Alex let sighs of relief leave their mouths. "How long do you want to be? We thought you were dead." Logan said, his eyes filled with concern.

"Sorry," Belle said, not knwoing what esle to say. "We lost track of time." Logan raised an eyebrow at this.

"How can you lose track of time?" Logan asked, then realization dawned on him, "unless..." Belle felt her cheeks burn at Logan's last word, seeing what he meant. She shook her head aggresively.

"No, NO! Ew, I mean, no offence Devon, but he isn't my..." Belle paused trying to think of an unoffencive word. "...type." Belle said, and Devon felt his heart sink as he heard 'Annalise's' words. But, made an effort to hide his feelings. So, he just simply nodded in agreement.

An awkward silence grew upon the group, Alex feeling a pang of jealousy as he started to suspect a special relationship growing between the Skandian boy and 'Annalise'. He tried to push it aside, but he had to admit, if looks could kill, he would have died a thousand times already. She was covered in dirt and dry blood and scares, but yet, she still looked as beautiful as a princess.

"So," Logan said, clapping his hands, interrupting Alex's thoughts. "are we gonna escape or are we just going to day dream about Cinderella." Logan said, gesturing to Belle.

"What?" Belle asked, confused of how this was all suddenyl about her. Logan let a smile creep on his face.

"Did you not just see how Alex and sea wolf boy over here look at you just then." Belle felt blood rush to her cheeks, feeling them catch on fire. She looked over at the boys and saw their blushing faces.

"Well, um. Let's go and escape before this conversation gets anymore awkward." Belle said, before taking a deep breath. "Now, once we reach the two Wargal guards that are at the steps, me and Logan will kill them, and then we all run like mad men out of here before any Wargals or Skandians can catch up to us. Got it?" Belle explained, and the boys nodded in understanding. "right." Belle swallowed loudly, feeling a knot in her stomach as she stared at the vicious looking Wargals that she had to kill. "Let's go..." Belle, taking the lead in the small group, Logan quickly jogging to her side.

"You ready?" Logan asked, as the Wargals noticed the group coming toward them.

"Too late to back down now." Belle said, before unsheathing her sword without any warning and charged at the closest Wargal. Logan then quickly unsheathed his own taking on the other Wargal.

Belle took an overhead stroke at the Wargal, but it quickly realised what was going on and unsheathed it's own sword deflecting the stroke easily. Belle felt a jolt run through her right arm as she felt the strong force of the Wargal's sword. But, before Belle could react and take another sword stroke, the Wargal quickly pulled the sword away and aimed it's point right for Belle's heart. Belle, trained to react quickly spun to the right, not giving the Wargal anytime to react and put her sword through the Wargal's chest. The Wargal let out a growl of pain and fell to it's knees. But, in the Wargal's last breath, it took one more sword stroke at Belle. The blade found it's target, hitting her leg, right above her ankle. Then the Wargal died.

Belle let out a yelp of pain, blood already seeping through her new Skandian trousers. Belle felt panic run through her, as blood squirted out, meaning the blade hit an artery. Belle went to fall to the ground, when Alex caught her from a hard landing.

| Halt's Ranger Apprentices | This is War | Volume 2 |Where stories live. Discover now