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Sammy!!!!!!! I ran into his arms he was hugging me so tightly picking me up and spinning me around..

Wheres Dad? I asked Sammy? He wanted to be here but he got caught up with work so he sent me instead is that okay? Oh course it is Sammy i'm so happy to see you!!! We made our way to the car and hopped in.

"Gosh what have they been feeding you over there your so grown up and beautiful...

Aww Sammy well we haven't seen each other in forever what did you expect that I was going to stay your baby sister forever I teased....

"True, but you'll always be my baby sister no matter how big you get!

I know Sammy and you'll always be my protector!

You got that right!

I stood there in all of my brother taking in all his facial expressions and features. He looks so much like our dad is ridiculous.. I lean my head on the window and take in the sights. We are defiantly not in Florida anymore I say to Sammy...

We pulled up at the house and i'm greeted by Emily she was the most beautiful girl. She had a smile that would light up any room. But with every beauty lies scars some visible some internal. Hers were defiantly visible 3 slashes on her face to be exact I tried not to stare but could tell Sammy was starring at me ... " I whisper I'm sorry... I didn't mean too..

It's okay honey she says to me you hungry?

I entered the house and smell the yummy goodness coming from the kitchen. I sat on the counter and looked around the house. It made me really Sad and happy at the same time.

Hey Ava what's wrong?

Nothing Sammy just looking around and taking it all in. I didn't realize how much time has gone by... I really thought you would be staying with me and papa but I realized you moved on and have a family of your own now...

Aww come here Ava Im just down the road you know your always welcomed here. "I know,I know I'm sorry I guess I'm just a little emotional being back here is bringing back a lot of memories for me...

I understand Ava but this is a happy time.

Sure is Sammy!

I hear nose coming from outside

"Cmon Ava I wanna introduce you to the pack!

The Pack?

Yea the guys silly

Oh okay can I just fix myself really quick lol...

Wow you really have changed sure the bathroom is second door on the right...

I know Sammy isn't use to this side of his sister but hey I wasn't going to meet a bunch of guys looking a mess... I changed into some short shorts and a black tank top .. I sprayed some vanilla scented body spray and headed out!

Excuse me where do you think your going with those shorts Missy?

Aww C'mon Sammy Im sixteen lol don't go protective brother on me now...

Oh God he yells to Emily remind me to never have a daughter... Emily Smiles and looks at sam

Now C'mon there getting inpatient...

"Hey Guys this is my sister Ava.

"Whoa Sam you sure she's related to you! I mean don't get me wrong but your sister is smoking HOTTTT!

Shut it Quil

"This is Jared,Embry,Seth, and this dumbass is Quil..

Nice to meet you guys.

Dude dont let Paul see your sister he might kidnap her and well never see her.

I saw Sam eyes worry I couldn't help but think who is this Paul character and why do I sense I have to worry about him ...

Do all you guys work out together I couldn't help but ask....

No it's kinda a pack thing? You know the legends? Shut it Quil these are trade secrets no offense but she could tell someone ...

Oh no worries your secret is safe with me I honestly don't even know what your talking about lol..

Well look who we have hear nice of you to join us Paul! I can hear Sammy growl when he sees how Paul is looking at me.. Its almost like we were both day dreaming and nothing or no-one existed around us. I don't want to describe it as love at first sight because that would kinda be cliche but thats what it felt like... I saw everything I ever want to be in him. All my worries and problems disappeared when I looked into his beautiful chocolate eyes..

Paul's P.O.V.

What the fuck is happening why am I still staring at her but can hear my inner thoughts. Ava was completely breathtaking. I Paul Lahote got around I mean everyone knew my name just ask.. But for some reason I was stuck for the first time ever I was stuck in some deep trans. I saw my whole life flash before my eyes. I have never met a women in my life that I feel like I could love forever. Love was defiantly not in my vocabulary but with her it was.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me Ava get in the house right now!

Why? What happened?

Just do as I say and get in the house!

Fine but this is unbelievable and your being ridiculous I don't even know what happened!

Door Slams

"It's not happening Paul!" Are you fucking me out of all people you choose my sister?" My fucking sister who hasn't even been here a whole day before you decide to Imprint on her!

"Sam you act like I want to be tied down to your sister"! I don't have control over this shit! Trust me I don't wanna give up all the ass I'm getting just for your sister no offense...

Trust me when I say this Lahote my sister's ass is one ass you WILL NEVER TOUCH!

If you say so sam...

Don't test me Paul its an ORDER!!!!

Fine man can we just drop it I get it already... Im fucking starving I had this hot blonde this morning and lets just say she made your boy run laps.

Paul your such a dog lol

My Kryptonite Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now