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The slap of the wind against her wet cheeks brought her back to consciousness. The darkness was cloying and engulfing she almost felt like she was choking in it, strapping the bag against her shoulder she moved down the street shivering under the wild winds caress. Her gaze zoned in to the church where she found her redemption, sighing she hastened her movement wondering why the streets didnt have anyone roaming about as normal but she didnt ponder too much on that.

She was practically freezing her butt off. The only sound all around her was the sound of her converse smacking onto the wet floor surging over to St. Marys church. She wondered if the Priest would be inside, but she hoped not, she wished to do her confession to an empty confessional booth. On normal occasions she wouldnt mind confessing to the priest of what she had done that week, but she was sure that this confession would land her in an asylum or worst, jail. She wasnt ready for any of that yet, but she couldnt skip her weekly routine of confessing her sins to the church—She could no longer bear the guilt any longer, it shocked her every passing second. Even if the Priest was in she wouldnt know but even still she would confess, for the sake of her child and for the safety of everyone she had held dear to her heart.

The doors were open of course.

Once her pale hands pushed on the flat surface of the door giving it a long squeal making her heart jump but as expected the church was empty. The church was lit with candles which was held by multiple beautiful candle holders, passing through the multiple chairs she made her way to the far corner were the confession booth was. Checking about she made sure that no one was around before she sat herself inside the confessional booth taking a deep breathe she began to fidget. At last she would be able to let out the pain she had been feeling through the week, she would be able to live on without thinking so much into it after this. Taking another gulp of breath she felt the sting of tears making its way to her eyes, this wasnt the first time she had been crying and she knew it wouldnt be the last either.

'I have killed, and it felt so good—'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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