The Bar

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For a while, things were great.
I had moved into my own apartment, but Alex came over often and vise-versa. We watched movies and Breaking Bad together while cuddling on the couch, as I let his hands wander, and everything was perfect. It was the happiest I'd been in a long time.
"Where are you out to?" Alex asked. He was lying on my couch, quiff messed up from the nap he had just took. I must have woken him up in my process of getting ready.
"I'm going out to a bar my friend was telling me about. Wanna come?"
"Yeah sure. I didn't have much else planned." He said with a smirk.
"Cool. Can you be ready in 20?"
"Ugh fine. You owe me for this Turner."
He stood up and walked towards me and then put his hands around my waist and whispered "Anything, my love," making me giggle.
45 minutes later, he was finally ready. He looked amazing in his jeans and t shirt and coat.
"Why look at you, all fancy." I remarked.
"Nothing compared to you." We kissed but I pulled away realizing we had to go.
We got to the bar and my friend had already dissapeered of with some guy.
Al and I sat at the bar, shots lined up. I cringed when I gulped them down and they stung my throat. I guess my disgust must have been visible, because he smirked when he saw my reaction.
"Can't handle them love?"
"Be quiet. I could drink millions."
My retort usually would've been a lot better, but the previous shots were getting to me and my thoughts were a drunken haze. Al was getting drunk too. He was rambling on and on and then eventually had to go to the bathroom.
I sat there awkwardly, spinning the shot glass around with the flick of my finger. Then, a man came up to me. He wasn't particularly handsome, but he was giant, maybe 6' 5", with a muscular build.
"What's a beautiful woman like you doing sitting here alone?" He inquired.
"I'm not.." I couldn't think of words to say, and it didn't help that he picked up a strand of my hair and was twirling it around his fingers, staring pretty obviously at my chest.
"Dance with me." He said suddenly, grabbing hold of my wrist.
"I'm here with someone else." I said, surprisingly strong. He looked around with a smirk.
"I don't see anyone babe."
"He's in the bathroom."
"He's not here now." He said, leaning close to me so our faces were inches apart. His breath was heavy with the smell of whiskey. I couldn't think of anything to say.
"I'm not going to d-dance with you." When I was nervous I stuttered. He grabbed my by my upper arm and pulled me up.
"Let go of me!" I demanded.
"Not until you dance with me." His breath was truly intoxicating.
"I will not dance with you bitch!" I shouted, and without really thinking to, I slapped him. He shoved me so I stumbled into the bar chairs behind me.
I heard foot steps and realized with relief that it was Alex.
"What the fuck was that for?" Alex yelled at the guy, running up to him. It was an almost humorous comparison, with the 6 inch difference between them.
"I was talking to this beautiful woman, do you have a problem with that?"
A small crowd had gathered around the two.
"She's my beautiful woman you little fucker! What kind of man pushes-"
Alex was cut of by the guy punching him low in the stomach, knocking him to the ground.
"What the hell?" I shouted to the stranger. I knelt down beside Alex, who had slipped on his sunglasses and was quickly trying to get up.
The guy was laughing at Al now.
"Get out of here prick." He said, shaking his head and walking away. Alex finally got to his feet and I took his hand.
"Let's get out of here." I said softly to him. I leaned into his side as we walked out of the bar.

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