Chapter two

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Willow opened her eyes. Her whole body ached, her hands were covered in mud, and her clothes were slightly torn. Her hair appeared to have been dragged through a bush and back. What was more, she was not in her bedroom. Then she remembered. She was a werewolf. And she needed to get back to her dad.

She got to her feet, and dusted as much earth as she could off her clothes. "Well, I better get back. Dad will be worried." she thought as she tried to make out the city. Max had gone, so he couldn't tell her the way, and the sun was out, so had no hope of finding it those ways. She thought. Then, she sniffed the air. Even now she was human, she could still detect the disgusting scent of petrol. She slowly walked towards it, feeling a bit happier. She could tell her dad! Her father was bound to understand!

After a few hours, by which Willow was exhausted, she reached the flat. The door was open, and she stepped right in. Her dad heard her and ran to her. "Oh my daughter, where have you been? You need to eat something, have a hot bath, and maybe rest a few days in bed! You look so pale..." Willow's Dad remarked.

After having a hot bath, getting changed into clean clothes and eating a warm meal, Willow felt so much better. She was safe and she would be alright with her dad. However, when she walked into the living room, she felt that sense of security vanish into thin air.

A WOMAN was sitting on the sofa. She had long, dyed-blond hair and blue eyes, and was watching a romance film on the TV. She sipped a glass of wine, and stared at the girl who had dared to enter her territory. Willow felt her blood boil. At that moment, she would have liked to have turned into a wolf and bitten the woman. Willow growled softly, her fists clenched. She would have punched the stranger on the face, if her dad hadn't walked in that very moment. 

"This is Bianca. She'll be your new mother." Her dad's face beamed with pride. "Darling, you never told me about HER..." Bianca snarled, still not taking her eyes off Willow. Willow stormed away, and entered her bedroom. There, she grabbed her bag, and filled it with clothes. She took her water bottle and filled it with tap water, and she took a knife from the kitchen. She also found a box full of string, a needle and some thread, and a book on wild plants. "He's replaced my mother! What right does he have to tell me this... this Bianca... is my mum now?" she thought as she stuffed those in her bag.

She would prepare to run away. To the forest maybe. ANYWHERE away from Bianca would do. Willow took a warm jacket and a woolly hat from the hallway, and burst out the door. She had left, without even telling her dad. now she would have to go into the woods... again...

Once she was several blocks away from her - no, DAD AND BIANCA'S FLAT, she stopped for a few seconds. She had gone the way she did that night - and she had picked up the scent of a wolf. Focusing all her animal instincts on the trail, she followed it. She was getting closer, soon she would find the woods. And she did. It took a long time, but eventually, she reached the edge of the city. It was the afternoon now, and the sun was bright.

Stopping to drink from the water bottle, Willow sighed. "I did the right thing... or did I?" she thought, feeling anxious. She had just left civilisation... was that a good thing or not? At least she wouldn't be found, and she wouldn't be forced to live with that Bianca. She pressed on, searching for Max. Maybe he would know what to do, since he seemed to live in the wilds. And more than anything, Willow wanted a friend.

She had always been a bit of a loner, and since she was six, she had lived with few friends. Her former best friend, Emma, had fallen in love with a boy, and had now forgotten Willow existed. But maybe Max would be there...

When Willow reached the forest, she called for Max. "Max? MAX! It's me, Willow!" she yelled. No response came. Willow went, this time much deeper, into the woods. "MAX! IT'S WILLOW!" she shouted. Swiftly, filling her with joy, a voice that was Max's screamed "It's you! You came back!" and Willow came closer to the voice.

"Max!" Willow cried, her voice overflowing with joy. Willow ran to Max and hugged him. "What on earth are you doing?!" Max squealed, and Willow let go of him. "Sorry." she blushed. "Ok then... what about 'daddy'...?" Max groaned, waiting for the long explanation that was bound to come.

"Weeellll... I went back to my flat, where -" "What's a flat?" Max interrupted. "A house you share with other people. They live in different floors from you." Willow sighed, looking cross. "Anyway, I went in the house, and my dad was all nice to me. After that I went into the living room and on the sofa there was -". "What's a sofa!" Max shouted. "Never mind that! A WOMAN WAS SITTING ON IT!" Willow yelled. "Is she your dad's mate?" Max asked, seeming curious. "What?! You mean... WIFE? No! She's my dad's... girlfriend!!!" Willow screamed, frustration bubbling inside her.

"So... she's not your mum?" Max asked. "Yep..." Willow sighed. "And Dad thinks she came straight from heaven..." she muttered. She stared at Max, her light green eyes boring into his brown eyes. "So how did you get here, Max?" Willow asked him. Max looked away. "My parents were werewolves as well... but one day, my dad went out to catch something... and hunters got him." he sighed, feeling upset.

Willow looked shocked. "Anyway... that happened a while ago. It's not uncommon with werewolves..." Max mumbled. "Anyway, I have a new pack now. The thing is, they might accept a young werewolf." he brightened up. "You mean... they might accept me?" Willow yelped, looking excited. "Yep. Well, you should, at the very least, try." Max seemed happier. "Come with me..."

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