^with a hoodie

He listened closely and he sure enough heard the door open. He felt scared, again. He kept fake sleeping until he heard that smoothing voice.

"Hoseok, I know you aren't sleeping. It's okay," Namjoon sounded tired as he said that. Hoseok slowly opened his eye lids and there he saw Namjoon standing there in front of his bed.

"I came here to get some peace," Namjoon dropped down onto Hoseok's bed. He went face first and he groaned as he moved around the bed with Hoseok still on.

"It's nice not to have you face smacked in your sleep," Namjoon laughed as he got himself comfortable next to Hoseok.

"You don't mind?" Namjoon asked before lying down. Hoseok shock his head no and he smiled widely at the other man.

"Thank you so much!" Namjoon cheered as he lost his control and fell onto the bed. That made Yoongi's eye open up. He heard another voice other than Hoseok's and that made him worry until he checked for himself.

"Namjoon, what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked in his raspy voice as he slid his fingers through his hair.

"Seokjin isn't a good person to sleep with."

With that Yoongi went back to sleep, too tired to even keep talking.


Seokjin woke up to no one next to him. Confused, he got out of the bed. He had one of the best rest out of the seven day week and weekend. So it was nice to finally get a fully earned rest.

Seokjin walked around the hallways, while at it he checked the rooms. He came across the room with Taehyung. Seokjin decided to check on him to see if he needed anything.

"Taehyung, are you wake?" Seokjin quietly asked the younger, afraid to wake him up from his sleep. Taehyung opened his eyes as he stretched his muscles. He took all the mattress to stretch before deciding to get up and talk to the older.

"What time is it?" Taehyung asked while sitting on the edge of the bed.

"It's 9:23 AM. Want to make breakfast with me?" Seokjin asked Taehyung. Taehyung just sighed as he got up from the bed.

"It's best if me and Hoseok leave now," Taehyung was about to leave the room when Seokjin stopped him.

"Taehyung, why are you so attached to Hoseok? You left him to care for himself. Why come back now? Please tell me," Seokjin pleaded. He really wanted to know what was inside of Taehyung's mind. It was all confusing to Seokjin. When Seokjin first met Hoseok he didn't know a single word of English. He also didn't know the society that he was living in. Why was Taehyung going after him now?

"It's not really your business to know," Taehyung left the room and off he went to search for Hoseok.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi were in the same room. Namjoon woke up early to do something to Hoseok. He knew that Taehyung will want Hoseok back but he couldn't just see Hoseok go away with someone that could possibly just use him.

Namjoon had a friend that was a cop give him a real life handcuff with the keys. He thanked him and promised to repay him later.

Namjoon grabbed the handcuff and he wrapped one cuff around Hoseok's wrist and the other around one of the bed poles. He made it so it was tight. Hoseok's wrists were small so he was a little worried he would escape but it was worth a shot. Namjoon was thinking hard where to put the key. It needed to be in a secret place that no one will ever think of.

Namjoon went over to the clock on his wall and he turned the clock so the back was facing him. There he saw a good amount of space, enough for a key. He smiled to himself and he placed the key there. He placed the key inside and turned the clock back to its original position. He also made sure the clock was working so any suspicions were gone.

He went back to the bed with Hoseok after. He faked sleep until he heard the bedroom door open.

"Hoseok, wake up. We're leaving!" Taehyung went straight to Hoseok's side of the bed and he shook him. He kept shaking him but he never woke up. Taehyung got worried and he looked panicked.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked as he looked around to see if anything caused this. Hoseok wouldn't move at all.

That is when Yoongi woke up because of the tension in the room. He got up and he saw that Hoseok wouldn't wake up. He then again felt a sting in his heart. He felt pain in his chest every time he saw Hoseok in danger.

"H-Hoseok, please wake up," Yoongi said as he still felt the pain in his chest. He didn't like it and he felt like killing himself instead of feeling the horrible pain in his chest. With that Hoseok finally wakes up and suddenly the pain in his chest stops and he could soon breathe again.

"We need to go home now, Hoseok," Taehyung held onto Hoseok's hand but he couldn't move because he had handcuffs on. Hoseok looked confused.

"Who did this?!" Taehyung looked irritated. Something was always in his way of taking Hoseok back home.

"I did. I'm not letting you take him back," Namjoon spoke bravery.

"You don't understand! Please just let him come with me," Taehyung begged Namjoon to let Hoseok go. Hoseok didn't say anything but sit there staring blankly at the walls.

Namjoon didn't say anything. Seokjin was at the door frame as he saw everything happen. Taehyung was saddened that no one trusted him. It was reasonable as to why he wasn't trusted but he didn't know how else to grain that trust back.

Taehyung eventually broke down in tears. Hoseok didn't do anything. Yoongi was too busying looking out for Hoseok. Namjoon still stood by his statement and Seokjin was just a bystander watching everything break down. No one dared go help a heartbroken Taehyung.

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