"Because we have a meet-and-greet." he says. "We? Don't you mean you?" I ask, sitting next to him. "Nope. You're coming with me to the meeting." he grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers. "But, why?" I groan. "Because you're a part of my life now and people need to get it.. And also, if you don't come, you won't see me for 5 hours since I have a concert right after and I know you won't survive without those lips." He holds my hand against his lips, kissing it softly. I chuckle. "I survived without them for 3 months. I think I could survive without them for 5 hours." I say. "You're coming whether you like it or not." I groan again. "But I'm tired." I say, dropping my head onto my pillow.

"I don't care. You can sleep on the way. C'mon, babe.. I want you to come...." he forges crying sounds. "Plus," he adds after I don't respond to his actions. "Ryan and Chaz are coming." "OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?! NOW I HAVE TO COME!" I say, standing up and running to the bathroom. "Hey!" I hear him shouting. "Love you!" I say while giggling.

I take a quick shower, put on makeup, try to straighten my hair and walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body to find Justin lying there, playing with his phone.

"Fuck." I smile to his hiss. "People say that I'm a teaser. Well, I have to disagree with them since you are the teaser in here." I smirk and go get a few clothes. "Out." I say without looking. "Fine.." he drags his legs outside the room, closing the door behind him. I put on a tencel tank top, slender jeans and black studded pixie boots and go outside to find everyone eating breakfast.

"Hey! You guys could've wait!" I exclaim, walking to the table. "And you could've leave something, too!" "Sorry..?" I hear Alfredo mumbling. "You guys know I'm pregnant! You should've left something for me!" I frown, looking at Justin who has just filled his mouth with a pancake. "You, too?"

He slowly swallows the food, and smiles a little. "Sorry?" I shake my head, take my phone and head out of the bus. "Wait, Em.." I hear Justin mumbling, following me. I see there's no reception there so I start moving the phone to find a few lines. "What, Justin?" I sigh, keep looking for a reception. "I'm sorry I didn't keep some food for you..." he says. I stop doing what I do and look at him. "I'm not mad, Justin." I say to his cautious face. "I'm just hungry." I shrug.

"There's food in the meet-and-greet. It's only 20 minutes driving." I groan and let him hug me. "Fine, I can wait..." I mumble to his chest. "Sorry." he says, kissing my head. "Whatever." I say and go back in. "Do you have a reception btw? I got none." I say on the way. He takes his phone out and shakes his head. "Sorry." I sigh and walk into the bus. "Let's roll." I say and sit on the couch next to Kenny.

~Justin's POV~

I knew I should've kept some food for Emily.. Argh. Never mind. That's not important right now. What I'm worried about now is my fans. I just hope they'll be nice to Emily... She's worried enough about the pregnancy. I don't need her to worry about her life, too.

When we get to the meeting, first thing Emily does is running into the building, looking for food. Man, I've never seen her so hungry before. I just hope it ain't gonna happen again.. Because, boy... That's scary...

"Mmmm...." she mumbles as she takes a bite from her meat sandwich. "Thank you, Jesus." she mumbles again, taking another bite. I laugh at her sight. "Justin." I feel someone touching my shoulder. I turn around to find Kenny standing behind me. "Yeah?" "The fans are about to arrive. We need to go inside." he informs me. "Okay. Let me just get Em." he nods and goes away.

"Hey, babe." I say, coming to Emily who just took her 2nd sandwich. "Mm?" she mumbles, staring at the sandwich. "Uhm, we need to go to another place, so grab yourself as many sandwiches as you want and come." she nods, and takes 3 more, following me to a big room.

One Mistake, Two Gifts [COMPLETED] {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now