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"There is always an inner game being played in your mind no matter what outer game you are playing. How aware you are of this game can make the difference between success and failure in the outer game." -Tim Gallwey

It seems almost inconceivable that a once primitive species who slept in caves and huddled around fires to keep warm would eventually harness the brainpower to travel to distant planets, explore the ocean floors, create artificial intelligence and devise sophisticated tools to analyze the microscopic blueprints of their own existence. 

The human race has clearly separated itself into its own distinct class, unique from any other species on the planet. It's arguable that we have even transcended nature itself.

Regardless of how we can or can't explain the incredible accomplishments our species has been able to achieve, one thing remains clear: 

If it was not for our indomitable human spirit and our capacity for a seemingly limitless intellect, we might not have ever survived.

Unfortunately, the greatest human fallacy is that our minds are far more powerful than most people can ever or will ever imagine.

Will your mind be strong enough for the battles you must face? 

Will you be strong enough to avoid drugs, food or alcohol as a means to cope?

What will prevail?

Strength or weakness?

And for how long. 

A few days, weeks, months, years or decades?

A great philosopher once said, "A man is defined by his actions, not of how he thinks of himself."

I don't know exactly what you're dealing with right now but I do know you're at a moment right now where it's time to get real with your situation. 

It's time for a hard look at who we really are and then to make the decision to do something about it once and for all.

I was once in a place similar to yours.

Many years ago I was once a lost teenager spending his best years in a maximum-security prison because I got caught up with drugs and the wrong people.

We all have our own personal reasons and motivations to get clean or to do better with our lives, but the bottom line is that you're here right now because you desire to live a more fulfilling lifestyle, one that may involve having more money, having more health and physical prowess, better relationships, and a career path that you actually like and doesn't drain you.

What you also need is a way to permanently get away from the things that trigger you to go back to your old ways.

Once you're done reading this book not only will you know how to permanently change your life because eventually, you won't even need motivation.

I'm talking about completely reinventing yourself.

Do you need motivation to be EXACTLY as you are now? No. You don't.

Your new lifestyle, the one you've always wanted for yourself will literally become who you are. That's the secret, that's the trick. You literally just become what you want to be and then motivation is no longer a concern.

But knowledge alone doesn't build success.

True principals of success don't lie in a specific regimen.

You don't need to be doing "XYZ" because it's the only thing that worked for your friend or your friends' friend.

The true secret to your success can be found in a damp, dark, cramped and confined space no more than 1500 cubic centimeters in capacity somewhere between your ears.

I'm talking about the depths of your own mind and more importantly, the limitless potential you will have when you start acting on the steps in this book.

I'm talking about you breaking the fucking chains that you allow to remain at your ankles.

What I'm going to do is free your mind.

Like Neo from the matrix, you're going to learn that the reality that you've constructed around yourself can be drastically changed.

What I'm going to do is teach you Kung-Fu and that the rules no longer apply to you.

Sound awesome? Because it should! 

If this doesn't sound like exactly what you need then close this book right now and give up.

Go back to the job you hate, the relationship you can't stand, the substance abuse you love to hate and just quit now.

Or, you can change your attitude and learn some mental Kung Fu.

"Kung Fu," simply translates into "Mastery of Skill".

Understand that navigating life itself can be seen as a skill and a lot of us are never taught this skill or it's been so long since we've took control we don't know how anymore. 

My intention with this book is to help you find yourself, get over the things that are holding you back and to help you finally break free!

If you follow the teachings and practice the applications, I promise you, you will have the wisdom and the know-how to literally take control and master your life.

That's what Kung-Fu is. Mastery of Skill. Mastery of Life.

It's time to quit fucking around and rise up to be the badass hero that you've managed to bury away.

You can do this.

All you've got to do right now is turn the page.

-Benjamin David

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