He nods. Wow, this is something I never wanted. Shit, this weird aura is gonna stay here for a while. I get out of the car, hurrying to get the house. I'd rather go into the house of the girl who broke it off with me then talk to her new boyfriend.

  I walk into the house into the house to find Nancy sitting on the couch, like she was waiting for me.

  "Uh. . . . . . Hi Nancy. Gotta run.", I sprinted down the stairs, almost tripping.

  "Steve, Steve. It Steve. That's why I was late. Ask him, Mike. Ask him.", Dustin says pointing at me, of course, trying to get himself out of Mike's range.

  Mike had his usual bitch face on, but now it was directed at me. 

  "Yeah, I overslept. Sorry. . . . ", Mike rolls his eyes and tell the boys to shut up cause he's starting.

  After the first twenty minutes, I can tell I don't belong. The boys are so into the game, they don't even notice me. It's sad when you have no friends, but it's even worse when you're only friends are thirteen, end don't notice you. I'm not blaming the kids, cause they're kids.

  There not suppose be my shoulder to cry on. They don't need to be worried about my problems. I'm just gonna go. I don't wanna make it awkward when they notice I'm still here.

  I walk up the stairs and grab put my shoes on at the front door. Before I'm able to leave, Nancy, with Jonathan following behind here, come down from the stairs.

  "Steve, leaving already?", she says coming to me. I inch back a bit, not wanting Jonathan to think we're to close. I mean he already doesn't like me, let's not make it worse.

  "Yeah, I guess. Kinda busy at home. . . . homework.", I say, continuing to put my shoes on.

  "Are you sure? I mean, we, me and Jonathan, could keep you company. If you want.", I see her smile become forced when she sees my face change.

  I don't want to ruin her date night with Jon. Just because she wasn't happy with me, doesn't mean I'm not let her be happy with someone else.

  "Um, I'm fine. I've got my college applications to work on. Wouldn't want to burden you. See ya tomorrow.", I say quickly opening and shutting the door.

  Whoop. Got that obstacles out of the way. While driving home, I see that Stacy Turner's hosting a house party. I was gonna go home and sleep, but free booze, I'm in.

  I park my car a few streets away, since literally everyone is there. I swear the block was full.

  I walk into the house seeing hormonal teens grinding on each other and drinking like their life delete dead on it. I quick go to the back of the house, knowing where Stacy's dad hides his good liquor.

  I grab his vodka and whiskey, heading out of the room with them in my pockets. I walk into the living room and sit by the couple that, look like they're trying to swallow each other faces.

  When I notice Billy and Tommy H., walking toward me. Fuck me in the ass. I hate my life. Of course they would be here.

  "Wow, look at this. The princess has arrived. Didn't think you'd come to one of these parties. Well, since Wheeler dumped your ass.", Billy says.

  His voice sounds sharp, but his eyes are even worse. He looks me up and down, making me wanna cover myself up even though I'm fully clothed.

  His eyes have a glint of something dangerous, powerful,  like he could attack at any time his cheeks are flushed. He licks his lips and shines his bright smile at me.

  "You don't think a lot so I'm not surprised you wouldn't think it. I'm only here for the booze so.", I say uncapping the whiskey bottle and chugging it like a champ.

  Billy whistles. Tommy leaves unimpressed with my performance. Probably to go knock up Carol or something. Leaving me alone with him.

  "You have quite the mouth, don't you Harrington. This part blows do you wanna get out of here.", he says grabbing the whiskey out of my hand and taking a drink.

  Um, yeah. Sure.", I say standing up. We get stares from the people around us, expecting one one us, Billy, to throw a punch. But that doesn't happen.

  He leads me to his car, stating that my car sucks ass and baby is a beauty. I get in the passenger seat, kind of nervous.

  "So, where is this party headed?"

  "Your house. No need for directions, princess. I've know for a while now.", he says smiling at me and revving his engine.



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