Chapter Two

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I was awaken the next day by the sun shining through the windowblinds. I didn't want to get up, but knowing I had to, I rolled myself out of bed and into the bathroom.

Once cleaned and ready for the day. I braided my about past shoulder length hair into a loose braid. Pulling on the ole back and white getup. Throwing on some socks before I put on my sandles. Then, slipping my Zanpacto into my side. I walked out, grabbing a piece of fruit to eat on the way out.

Today, we were sparing in the training grounds, all squads were. Everyone including captains were going to train. That's a scary thought. They're just so strong.

Once they're no one from my squad noticed me, except my captain, who was pointing at me, as he talked to A man with curly slightly waved discolored blonde hair, and a man with blonde hair going to his mid back. I didn't catch onto why he was pointing till the two turned around. There stood two captains. One being the man from last night, Captain of squad five. He just smiled slightly at me before my captain waved me over. Great.

Once I got to him, he started up, "I didn't see you at dinner last night, are you alright? Now be honest Tanna." He asked, questioning my whereabouts. He always did. He treated me like not his own child, but like a sibling of a sort.

"I did not want to deal with the hostile environment last night, my apologies captain."I spoke, he knew, and felt bad, but they just never saw me as they're equal, not matter how much I tried. And no matter how much he would hear them up for it. So I just let it go, some.

"Kensei, what's she talked about?" The other man asked. He looked confused. "Hostile environment?"

"Well you see, my 5th seat just doesn't seem to be up to the standards of any of my squad. It's quite annoying. But she pulls though just fine. If anything she belongs in a higher seat. Yet no one sees it." He said, with a laugh as he went to punch my arm playingly.

Which lead me to catch he fist without looking out of reaction. Sending looks my way by my captain, and the two other captains near.

"Well then, I guess you'll have to get some self confidence and show them. Huh." Shinji said, patting my shoulder before, calling out for Kensei and the other captain who I learned was named, Roujuuro Otoribashi, but they just called him Rose, to come with him to where all the captain were.

"Excuse me now, listen up." Someone said, all noise stopped, as Shinji flashstepped into the air so he was above everyone else. "Who here thinks that 5th seat LyTanna Kurimaru of squad nine, doesn't deserve her seat?"

What the heck was he doing? I'd loose my seat this way for sure. He thought so too, that I didn't deserve it.

That caused all my squad beside my lieutenant to scream. She looked annoyed so did everyone else, at my squads lack of respect.

"Alright then, one by one you will prove your strenght. All of this squad will," he said landing near us, "and I'll tell you what seat you truly do and do not deserve. Don't waste my time." He said, walking back some.

One by one, I watched my squad get taken out, some lasting longer than others, putting on good shows, others being one hit and they're out. He looked bored.

Finally it was just me left. This got my some boos from all the squad because they had lost, no doubt I'd be sharing the same fate as them.. great.

"You ready?" He asked, not taking a step till I answered. I just nodded which caused him to flashstep and disappear from my eye sight. Out of instinct I pulled my blade out, and put it above me as I saw him come flying from above. When our blades collided, he smiled at me, which caused to blush. Which he smirked at.

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