Dating KJ Apa includes...

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-constant forehead kisses from him
-him always buying you flowers
-y'all both having mini arguments
-you getting mad at him when he acts silly at the wrong time
-you ending up forgiving him anyway:)
-him reminding you that ur beautiful and no one can fuck w u
-makeout sessions while he's on break
-Starbucks at 12 am
-Him always taking you to your favorite restaurant
-Him not giving up on you or the relationship even at times when it feels like it's ending
-Netflix and chill;) (late night)
-Sex, sex, sex
-Cute Instagram posts
-KJ always playing in your hair
-You getting annoyed with the idea at first, but then adjusting
-"babe, I love you"
-"I love you, KJ"
-"We will make beautiful babies, y/n"
-You loving his New Zealand accent

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