Part 21: Madagascar

Start from the beginning

"Yes it is," I toss the coin into the air and catch it.

"Son of a bitch," Sam chuckles dryly and looks around the room. "He's fucking with us."

"What are you talking about?" Nate asks his brother.

"Avery. He's fucking with us. This was supposed to be it. So where's the Goddamn treasure, huh? I mean, King's Bay? Great. But what's next? North Pole? Outer space?"

I chuckle and the guys look at me as I lean against a wall, a smirk tugging at my lips. "'For those who prove worthy... Paradise awaits'. He was recruiting, you guys."

"Who was recruiting?" Sam asks, and Nate sighs.

"Avery... was recruiting," he says with a short laugh.

"Recruiting for what?" Harry asks, when the wall I'm leaning against explodes. The three guys fall to the ground, and I'm thrown into a different wall.

A groan falls from my lips and I look down at my clothes which now have holes in them, my skin cut up and burned. "Ah, shit," Nate swears as Nadine and two mercenaries walk into the room, aiming their guns at my three friends.

"You gentleman, are very, very noisy," Nadine tells them, before pointing to the ground, "guns on the floor. Slowly."

The three guys take their guns off them and toss them onto the ground. "I still owe you from last time," Nadine smirks at Nate and I try to stand up, only to fall back down in pain.

"Throwing me out a window didn't do it for you?" Nate asks her, and she rolls her eyes and pulls out a radio.

"Rafe," she says, but receives no response. "Rafe, come in."

"I'm at the graveyard. Nadine, they were here," Rafe says and she sighs.

"Yeah, I'm looking at them right now. Well, three of them, it looks like [L/Name] isn't here."

Nadine's statement catches Nate, Harry, and Sam's attention, and they look around, "Where's [Name]?!"

I sit against the wall and cough, catching their attention, "Hanging out over here."

"Never mind, it looks like she was caught in the explosion," Nadine says into her radio, and another mercenary walks in and aims his gun at me.

"What? Dammit Nadine, I told you all to keep her alive!" Rafe snaps at her, obviously not happy.

"She is alive, Rafe. She's hurt, but she's alive."

Rafe stays silent for a few seconds before sighing, "Where are you?"

"Come back to the Cathedral. Follow the holes."

"I'm on my way. And for God's sake don't shoot them."

"Might want to hurry then," Nadine smirks and puts her radio away. She looks down at the image on the ground and chuckles, "King's Bay."

"Yeah, but uh... where in King's Bay?" Sam asks and points at the cross on the mantle. "You'll need that cross over there to figure it out. But... there's only four people that can tell you how to use it."

"Let me guess... you three and [L/Name]."

Nadine glances back at me and I keep myself propped up against the wall, sending her a small wave. Nate sends me a worried look, before turning his attention back to Nadine. "Well, if you leave it to Rafe, you're gonna be waiting a long time."

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