Part 13: London to Eastern France

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[Name]'s POV

"Man, I was sorely tempted to just pick up that briefcase back there and walk," Sully says, and Harry smirks.

"Good thing for us, we had [Name]," Flynn chuckles, and I grin.

"Hey, trust me. That's nothing compared to what we're onto," Nate points out, and Sully sighs.

"Yeah, well, at my age a bird in the hand, you know?" Sully says, and Chloe's face scrunches up in disgust.

"Ewwww," she says, and I look back at her and laugh.

"Didn't I tell ya?!" I exclaim, causing Sully to groans.

"Oh, please. Look, I just hope you're right about this," he says while we approach the green door.

"Hey, Harry, how do you know Marlowe?" I ask him, and he sighs.

"Crossed paths with her a few years ago on a job I did," Flynn mutters, and I nod before looking at the green door in front of me.

"Seems pretty quiet," Cutter states and Nate frowns while we stop walking.

"You think they're still in there?" Nate asks, and Harry casts him a side glance.

"You might be right, mate. It might be a portal to hell. They might've disappeared through it." Flynn smirks, making Nate's eye twitch at the sarcasm.

"Well, we cant afford to waste time standing here," Sully states, and everyone looks at me.

"Oh... I see, make me do all the work while your lazy asses get to relax. And in a dress without any shoes shoes, too!" I grumble while grabbing the pipe and climbing up it.

"Nate, Harry, at least try to make it look like you're not imagining her without any clothes on," Chloe says, and my cheeks heat up as I look over my shoulder.

Nate and Harry's faces both become red from being caught staring at my ass, making Cutter and Sully chuckle. "Some things never change," I mumble, climbing left on the pipe, before continuing up.

When I reach the top, the pipe bends and I jump and grab onto the part of the pipe running horizontally along the wall. "Are you okay, love?" Harry calls up, and I nod my head.

"Are you sure?!" Nate asks with worry and I look down to see the two guys ready to help me in any way possible.

"I'm fine," I mumble, shooting them a reassuring smile, before climbing to the left.

I jump and grab the edge of a piece of wood that can lower and act as a platform, before making my way across. I jump from there and grab the metal light fixture to my left, climbing up it and grabbing onto the wooden trimming on the roof. I climb across the trim and around to the side of the building, before letting go and dropping a couple of meters to the roof below.

I land on the tile and jog over to the other side of the roof, grabbing the pipe that runs along it. I climb to the edge of the metal pipe and swing off it, grabbing onto an old light. The light breaks and I start to fall, but land slumped over a sign on the building, hearing the light that was falling shatter on the ground below.

"Oww..." I cough, feeling the edge of the sign dig into my stomach. I hoist myself onto the other side of the sign and jump to the next light fixture. The momentum of my body causes the fixture to move and hit a blue wooden wall. "Actually... that worked rather well." My eyebrows raise in surprise as I see an easy way into the building.

I jump off the light fixture and grab the top of an electrical box, before grabbing the window ledge that's a bit above me. I pull myself through the window, letting it shut behind me as I land on a wooden platform. I flip my flashlight on and look below me, my eyes narrowing when I don't see any people or cars.

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