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It didn't hurt me kissing Drew in front of Mikey.

I knew I broke his heart.

But to be honest, he broke my heart before I even got to know him.

I head over to the studio and hung out with the guys in the backstage lounge.

"Are y'all ready to be watched on live television?" I asked.

"Thanks for not freaking me out even more, Soph." Jay said.

"Y'all will be fine. Trust me. I used to get in my head all the time I honestly still do. But everything will be okay once y'all start singing." I said.

"But you were with other people." Miles said.

"For Spongebob I was. In Be More Chill, I was mostly on stage with a lot of lines." I said.

"But I promise y'all will be okay." I said.

"Places! We're live in two!" A director said.

I hugged them all with the exception of Mikey.

"Y'all will kill it. Pretend like this is the last time you'll ever perform." I said.

They did the opener.

Jaden, Brady, Dorian, and Marcus killed their choreography for Candy Girl.

Sergio, Chance, Drew, and Devin were all in time for Right Stuff.

Cam, Devin, and Jaden hit all their counts for Bye Bye Bye.

It was a pretty successful opener.

I watched Topline from the sides.

They nailed it.

I watched the other two groups after.

Tr5ble was amazing.

I gave them the hardest choreography and they hit out of the park.

Except for Cam's voice crack.

Element, they were all in time and had great chemistry with each other.

Tr5ble was saved.

Mikey and Miles were put up for elimination.

"Karma." I whispered when Nick said Mikey was up for elimination.

I'm not voting for any of them.

Mikey for obvious reasons.

Miles because he had a problem with every piece of choreography.

Miles went home.

Another week of Mikey.

I saw Chance after the show.

"What's going on with you and Mikey?" He asked.

"I told him my whole life story about my parents dying and he said I was acting." I said.

"That's harsh." He said.

"Tell me about it." I said.

"While it hurts now, I'd go give him a second chance. You're going to be working with this kid for another six weeks. It'll be easier if everyone got along." He said.

"I mean I guess." I sighed.

He hugged me.

"I'm here for you, Sophie." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

Finally starting to feel this second family vibe. 

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