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The clouds outside match the cigarette smoke emitting from Rosemary's mouth.

"When are you going home?" Her soft yet sinister voice fills my head.

"As soon as it becomes pitch black outside." My eyes continue to focus on the damp dirt.

"I don't understand why you always wait until it's so fucking dark to leave," she scoffs and flicks her cigarette out into the grass.

"I don't understand why you always have something to fucking say," my eyes continue to stare at the dirt that's slowly becoming mud around my white vans.

"Adalene, I just worry about you. Tu es ma sœur." (a/n You are my sister) I sigh at the fact that she thinks saying stuff in French will get her point across to me.

"Go home, I do this all the time, I'm fine." I make eye contact with Rosemary for the first time since arriving at the park.

"Please text me when you get home," I feel her squeeze my shoulder with a sad smile stitched on her face.

"I will." She quickly pulls her hood over her strawberry blonde hair and her eyes meet mine one last time before she runs off to her home.

The repetitive sound of her feet hitting the ground eventually diminishes and I'm left alone like usual. The smell of wet grass and mud is all I can focus on while I think about how I should not have worn white shoes, when I knew it was going to be ugly weather this morning. Maybe I should start going to the gym or actually running laps around this park since I'm always here.

The sound of my phone receiving a text message pulls me out of my thoughts about working out when really I will never stay solid to a work out plan.

Mère:(a/n mother)

I won't be home tonight or the next few days.


Okay, have fun

I slide my phone back into my bag. Where do you go? I've always wanted to ask her, but I don't care enough to ask at the same time.

The sky becomes more noticeably darker and it calms me. The silence and  darkness together give me a sense of tranquility that majority of people I know do not feel in the same circumstances as me. It does not scare me like it use to as a child and I enjoy it so much.

My tranquil feeling is cut short by bright headlights shining on me from behind. I sigh frustratedly and turn around.

Who is here at this time, besides me usually no one is here. I can't tell if whoever is sitting in the car can see me, but it's enough for me to get up and start to leave.

I feel uncomfortable as I quickly walk away from the car and I hear whoever it is open the door, which just makes me walk faster away.

I don't look back since my anxiety is getting the best of me in this situation. Soon enough I can see the familiar cement road that will take me to my quiet and lonely house.

Yaaaa boiiiiii lets goooooo this story bout to be violent and I'm so ready.

Plum//Harry StylesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin