(y/n) POV

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"Ivy, can we talk?" I asked as we grabbed our trays of food.

"Sure thing." We walked to our normal table and sat down. "So what's up?"

"You know how I had those visitors yesterday?" She nodded. "Well they told me why I'm in here. Turns out Vandal Savage and Klarion the Witch Boy framed me."

"Really? How come?"

"To prevent me from helping stop their alien invasion of Earth." I lowered my voice so only she could hear me. "Listen, they gave me a few things to help me get out of here, along with at the most two other people. Care like helping a girl out?"

"If I do this, I get out too?"


The woman smirked.

"I'm in."

"Good. We need to plan to get out of here by tomorrow."

Ivy nodded.

"That sounds good to me."

We spent most of the afternoon devising a plan to get out. As we walked back to our cells, I looked at her.

"You think we can pull this off?" I asked quietly.

"If we act quickly, then yes. We might just need the help of one other person. I'll see if I can talk to them tonight then get back to you tomorrow morning."

"Thanks, Ivy. I'm going to owe you again."

"Well, you can always pay me back later. I'm sure something will come around."

I chuckled and said goodnight to her. Once I got my cell, I closed the door, hearing it lock behind me. I sat down on my bed and sighed.

Tomorrow's it. Hopefully Cheshire is pretty easy to find.


I met with Ivy again during our morning meal. When I found her, she was sitting with Killer Frost. The two looked up as I walked towards them.

"Ivy here tells me you've found a way out of this place," Frost said with a smirk.

"Yeah. You here to help?"

"Wouldn't be here any other way, hero. Now, tell me how you plan to get us out of here."

"I was given a few chips that will deactivate our collars without notifying the guards. If we do this during roaming hours, we can get as far as the women's boundaries go. Once we've reached the edge, we'll probably have to fight our way up to one of the watchtowers. We get there, we're home free."

Frost chuckled.

"Can't believe a hero is breaking out of Belle Reve."

"Well most heroes don't end up in Belle Reve. Although you've known a few, Frost."

"What makes you think we can get out of here when every single prisoner couldn't?"

"Because we're a smaller group, have better communication, and no one is trying to stop us."

"She's right, Frost," Ivy said. "Last time, you had two heroes trying to stop you from escaping."

"And now there's one hero trying to escape."

Frost smirked.

"I'm in. You bring the chips, we'll help you bust out of here."

Aqualad (Young Justice) x reader | framed teammateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang