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Damn this girl is amazing asf fr fr.

We talk on and on about random shit till I say I'm gg to mcd.
I love her she's the best she is truly amazing.

And god brought an angel in my life,over this short period of time she became my everything,my bff,she became my sister.

🌷🌹🌹Dear rose🌹🌹🌷

You are amazing and you are truly beautiful and delicate like a true rose.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,you are amazing I won't ever let you go ily,ily,ily,ily,ily.when I met you I was inspired, I was like damn, this girl got sass,then days passed by and we became friends,then you became my slay partner.

You are more than that you became my homie, love bug,Shawty,shooter,boo,right and left hand
But mostly bish you became my everything.

I don't ever wanna lose you, if I lose you I'll find you back again and tape you to my wall or tape you on to me idc,I don't wanna see a tear drop from you I don't wanna hear sobs, I wanna see your eyes twinkles I wanna hear you laugh at the most random thing I do.Never doubt yourself, or if you ever feel lost don't worry I'll be your flash light guiding you through the night.

If you're in pain I'll be your Advil and a glass of water
If you're sad I'll be your smile
If you need me,girl I'll be right there.

Strawberry milkshake freak I love you❤❤❤😘
Ik it'll never be enough,but I'm willing to make it matter how much you deny it you'll always be my BOO BOO MILKSHAKE BEAR😘😘😘❤

Keep slaying.
and show these hoes who's royalty


Tag:Bitch_Im_Amazing ly❤❤❤

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