Chapter 1

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-Better off sleeping-

Y/N flutters her eyes open, looking at the ceiling and taking in the room's morning brightness. She sighs and stretches. She eventually gets up and does her morning routine before getting to work. Everything is timed and specific for her. 10 minutes for this, 5 for that, this must be done by then... etc. She even knows how many steps from downtown to her apartment, from her apartment to the bar, or the coffee shop and back. Weird but oddly satisfying, to her.

Your P.O.V

I yawned a little as I waited for my coffee to finish making and in the process I looked at my watch. "8:49.." I whispered and reminded myself that in 10 minutes I had to get to work. Once I got my coffee, I lazily made my way downstairs to my little office, stopping at the door to look around and find something to do before 9:00. I shrugged as I started to clean the already clean office. A couple minutes passed and I sat in front of my desktop while looking down at my watch. "One more minute.." I said out loud this time.

Time passed and it was 12:51. I cracked my knuckles and sent in all my work and progress to my manager back at the press. "Done. Noww-" I got cut off by my stomach rumbling. "No, you are gonna wait." I said remembering that my best friends are coming over. In perfect timing, the doorbell rang. I skipped my way to the door and stopped right in front of it, waiting for the secret knock. I heard it and happily opened the door.

"Y/N!! I have to put you on!" My best friend, Marii (me ofc), exclaimed before I moved aside and let her in. My other best friend, Kaya, following and giggling. I jokingly rolled my eyes and smiled as I closed the door. "Sooo~" I smirked and walked into the living room. Marii and Kaya were already sitting around the small coffee table placing Chinese take out on it.

"Dude, you won't believe what happened at work today!" Marii started. Before I even knew it, time had seriously passed. It was now 6:23. "Okay, we'll come by again." Kaya said as she walked out. Marii waved at me from her car. I smiled and waved back.

Once I closed the door, I ran to my office to check the calendar. There were only a few days before I had to go back out there. I shivered at the thought. Years have passed and I was still not over it. Going outside made me paranoid and seriously anxious. "Its only 182 days...again. Don't worry. You'll get through this." I told myself and smiled. Once I'm out there, I'm confident and happy but I'm always freaking out a couple days before. So nothing new.

I picked up my phone and checked the time. 7:07. It was still early so I took a shower and here I am now, wearing nothing but a big shirt and underwear. The perks of having your own place. I deeply looked at my bed before launching myself at it. I let my hair get messy and body bounce with the bed.

I took a quick glance at my phone again before, unconsciously, falling into deep sleep.

-Le time skip-

Nothing but buzzing.
And more buzzing.

"God, just please-" I grunted, letting my hand fumble under my pillow desperately looking for my phone, successfully getting a hold of it. "Shut up!!!" I threw my phone across the room.


I quickly got up without hesitating, falling onto my knees and crawling towards my phone. I answered it and there it was... "Heyyyyy. I just wanted to let you know that uhh.. it's mighty early and uh I left some important files at the foot of your door. I couldn't do it but hopefully you can? Well.. heh thanks and uh see you tomorrow?"

I didn't reply, I just took a deep sigh and calmly hung up the phone before I went off. I ran my hands through my face, stressfully thinking about my day off, being no longer off. I got up and did typical morning stuff. I then made my way downstairs to get my coffee as I whispered, "I'm going to kill her", over and over.

I sat in my living room with my coffee in hand. Thinking about the files that are still sitting outside and me leaving the house tomorrow. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the front door, opening it enough for me to see the small pile of papers. "Should I?" I backed my hand away. "I don't have a choice." I sighed and took the papers.

I brought them to my little office along with a glass of wine. "To my day off!" I sarcastically said and raised my glass as I sat down and took a sip. Wasting no time, I got to work. I picked up my phone and checked through schedules, times, and alarms. That's something I usually don't do on my days off but.. what can I say?

Unedited, but I hope you like it. I promise it will get eventful in the next one! Mommy's out -3- ❤️

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