Chapt 2

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He struggled to sit up, trying to face the person that spoke. I gripped his shoulder gently.

"Take it easy, Webs," I said. He smiled at the nickname. I'm the only one person he allows to call him that.

"Thanks, Sam," he choked out. As soon as I helped him sit up, I put another pillow beneath him.

I gently set him down and took off his mask, offering him a glass of water afterwards.

He smiled weakly at me. I barely felt anything when took my hand in his.

"My gods, you had the whole team worried! We were sure Ava had ended you! I pretty sure..." I started, but Peter cut him off when he put a finger to my lips to silence me.

"Bucket-head?" I asked. He leaned in, and after a second, so did I. WAIT!! What is going on?!?!

"Yea?" I asked, mesmerized by his baby blue eyes.

"How many people have to told you that you talk too much?" he asked. Just kiss me already! Woah! Where did that thought come from?

Could I be crushing on... PETER PARKER?! OF ALL THE PEOPLE ON THIS EARTH IT HAD TO BE PETER?! Annoying, brave, cute, hot... Where did my train of thought go to?

"Ummmmm...Sam? You staring at me weirdly again," Peter said.

Really? I hadn't noticed, you idiot!

"Hash! Am I seriously that bad?" He asked, faking hurt.

Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes you did. Are you sure Ava didn't hit your head or anything?"

"Nope, I'm fine," I replied.

"Are you sure cause-" he teased.

Desperately wanting to shut him up, I kissed him forcefully.

You could hear a crash in the background.

Is It Love?: Episode OneWhere stories live. Discover now