Chapter 4

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You could've heard a pin drop it was so quiet. And then the meat head opened his mouth.

"What's a Fury?" Cue face palm, he sure is pretty.

"Fury's are beings who pursue those guilty of blood crimes and drive them mad." Which meant, vampires. Bella scowled at me.

"There is a way around it though, don't forget that part Anna." She crossed her arms over her chest waiting for me to explain.

"You turning is your choice, my helping you is my choice. And if I don't want to help then that's just the way it is." Her jaw dropped.

"Then she won't turn." Edward said. Bella rounded on him, but I could tell the subject wasn't open for discussion. There was a lot of agreeing with that statement after. A lot of 'It's not worth it' and 'It's too big of a risk'.

"But I saw her as a vampire, so you have to help." The small vampire told me. Alice I think her name was, Bella said she could see glimpses of the future. Someone should check her crystal ball, I think its fritzy.

"Anna!" Bella yelled at me. She looked like she was on the verge of tears. I knew she would hate me for this, but at least she'd be human. I shook my head at her.

"Isabella Swan for once in your life stop being so goddamn selfish!" I'd had it with her 'I'm going to die but everything is okay' attitude. I walked up to her till we were chest to chest.

"You're living in a fucking fairy tale if you think any of this is okay. Do you remember when we were little and I took you hunting with me. You were so upset that I killed a rabbit that you burst into tears and wouldn't stop until I promised never to do it again. What happened to that sweet girl who valued life so much!" I yelled her. Silence followed, the rushing water pounded in my ears.

"Things change, I changed." Her face was rigid and determined.

"For a fucking guy!"

"He's not just any guy!"

"You should hear yourself from my end because you sound ridiculous!"

"Why can't you just understand this is what I want! This is the only thing I want. Without him I have no reason for living anymore!" I inhaled deeply. She couldn't mean that, but I knew at the moment she did. A single tear ran down my cheek.

"Then have fun destroying him when your a Fury." I turned on my heel and began making my way out of the forest.

"Where are you going?" She called after me. I stopped and turned slowly to face her wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Back to my pack." I smiled sweetly at her,

"The blood moon will be here soon, prime demon hunting time. Maybe I'll see you there." I ran through the forest with inhuman speed till I came to a ridge looking out over the water. I sat down and let my legs dangle. I watched the sun set with colors dancing across the sky. If Bella did turn, without my help and turned into a Fury, I will kill her myself. Despite everything we were still family, in my eyes at least.

It wasn't long until my solitude was ruined. I could tell who it was by the scent even without the fur.

"Well if it isn't the famous Jacob Black." I looked over my shoulder at him. Now I can see why Bella liked him, he was hot. Like rippleing abs and sun kissed skin-woah! Calm down  girl.

"Sorry for yanking your ear." He nodded and I turned back to the sunset, it was a deep purple now.

"Mind if I sit down?" he asked. I patted the spot next to me. He sat down and leaned back on his hands.

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