Chapter 4

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I walked on the nearly empty bus in New York City, which was very rare. It was the middle of the night and this was the last train going around the tracks. It was only me in the car for a few stops. I was hiding my face with a hoodie. I had my headphones in when he walked in. I looked up and our eyes met. He looked familiar and I quickly looked away. 

He's probably a fan and followed me. I probably I'm met him at a meet and greet. 

I felt a presence next to me and looked up to see the green/blue eyes that were so familiar. I took one of my earbuds out.

"Hi?" I asked.

"Hey. If you don't mind me asking, but where are you from?" He asked.

"Let me know your name first." I said. I paused my music and wrapped the earbuds around my phone and put it in my pocket.

"Denzel Weller." He said holding out his hand.

"Rose Pitcher." I told him taking his hand. He looked so familiar. I looked around us to see that there was one person left on the train besides us.

I took my hood off revealing my turquoise hair. I just got it done and that's what I'm going to my hotel from.

"So, where are you from?" He asked me.

"We say where we're from at the same time." I told him. He nodded in agreement, the suspense obviously killing him.

"1.....2.......3!" I said.

"LA." We said at the same time. I looked at him surprised. I took a closer look at him. He looked like he was around the same age as me, 21-22. I studied his features. He had smaller than average ears, an average sized nose, a strong jaw line, short medium brown hair, and then his eyes. I stared into his eyes and saw that they held familiarity.

I was taken back to Senior year when he was my date to our prom and my boyfriend. I stared into his eyes. The blue green eyes that I had fallen in love with so many years ago. He held me close as we swayed as our song played. 

"I love you." He said. I leaned my head on his shoulder. 

"I love you too. But there's something I need to tell you." I told him as the song ended. I took his hand and took him to our seats. 

"I won." I told him. 

"What? That's amazing!" He said. I then went to a different memory. We were at the airport. The same eyes tearing up. 

"If you cry, I'm going to cry and that's going to be bad." I said.

"FLIGHT 103 TO SYDNEY AUSTRALIA BOARDING NOW!" A voice came over the intercom. 

"I love you. Don't forget me." He said pulling me into another hug. 

"I love you more. And I could never forget those tiny ears and those eyes." I told him. I kissed him one last time and then never saw him again.......

Until now

I felt him put his hand on my cheek. I leaned into it, bringing me out of my trance.

"I've missed you baby girl." He said.

"Dez......" I said tearing up and wrapped my arms around him. I cried into his shoulder and felt him crying in my hair.

"I've missed you so much! I'm so sorry I believed that you kissed Everest! I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you! I'm so so sorry." I said through the tears.

"It's ok baby girl. Everything's fine now...... We're going to be fine...." He said. And for once, I believed that everything will be alright. We got off on the same stop. I was holding his hand. I started to nod off and felt myself being picked up.

"Where's your hotel baby girl?" He asked me. I sighted off the address and felt him stop and then us going through doors and in the elevator.

"What floor?" He asked.

"Penthouse." I told him. Me and the boys owned the penthouse for whenever we were here.

"Who is it?" I heard Ashton ask. 

"Rose." I mumbled out. I heard the doors open and the boys all around me.

"Is she ok?"

"What happened?"

"Who the hell are you?"

I heard the questions being fired off.

"Can you set me down babe?" I asked Denzel. He responded by putting my on my feet and kept me steady by his hand on my waist. I opened my eyes slowly.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened. And this is Denzel." I said.

"THE Denzel?!" Calum asked.

"Yes THE Denzel." I said.

"Bull shit nothing happened!" Michael said.

"I just got on the subway and then he did...." I said.

"Fine. I hope you know we have to put him through orientation if he's going to stay with us." Luke said.

"Tomorrow morning." I said. I grabbed Dez's hand and all the boys gave me a peck on the cheek/forehead and then I took him and we went to my room and went to bed.


I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist and last night cane flooding back to my mind. I turned around and saw Dez looking back at me.

"Are you on break?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said snuggling into his chest.

"Good." He said. I looked into his eyes and then kissed him. I felt fireworks go off all around us. He laid on his back and moved me so that I was straddling him.

"Hey Ro- OH MY GOD!" I heard someone say from behind us and I jumped to where I was sitting next to him.

"Michael, hey!" I said awkwardly.

"MY EYES!!!" He yelled and ran down the hall. I looked at my appearance and saw that I had a tank top and spandex on. I jumped out of bed and ran to where he went. I stopped by the doorway in the hall and listened to the conversation that was going on in the room.

"I walked by her room and heard noises. I opened the door to see her on top of him and then kissing very intimately....." He said.

"Were not!" I said coming out from my hiding spot.

"Were too!" Michael shot back.

"You have no room to talk Michael! You don't know what a lock is!" I said.

"She isn't lying babe." Crystal said walking in with Willow right behind her.

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