Chapter 16

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For anyone reading this, I won't be updating for a while because my brother's getting his wisdom teeth taken out and I have to take care of him. Psssh.

Anyway, I'm going to bring a character back into the story for extra fun! I thought I was going to end this in two more chapters, but, then, I had an epiphany!!! OMG!!! :D Oh, it's gonna be awesome!

Sorry I suck at spelling! You guys love me anyway!!! Also, I never edit. . . that's an issue that'll have to be taken care of. So, enjoy this chapter and COMMENT! NEED feedback like I need sugar!!!! Ha ha! X)


Stephen and I found out that we were near the bottom of California, so, he suggested that we head up it. I gave him a weird look but didn't question him. Maybe he knew something that I didn't. Maybe there we more jobs in the North part than the South part. I certainly didn't know, so, I followed him loyally.

After two days of endless marching, I suggested that we find jobs so that we can make the journey. He agreed and our search for jobs began.

Of course, it being the Depression, there were literally no jobs available. Doors were slammed in our faces. We started to look like the people that lived in the Hoovervilles: gaunt, depressed, hopeless. More than once did I see Stephen's face waver and I saw fear there. He was afraid that we wouldn't make it to the North part of California. Our bodies were weak already, especially mine. I still had wounds from The Attack (which Stephen still stubbornly called it if the topic was ever brought up, and it rarely was).

In a week, we still didn't have jobs and we were starving. Stephen suggested that we use the money that we had earned at the circus. I told him that it had been confiscated when I was accused of stealing the money. I still don't know how they got it away from Bacon. I suspected bribery with food. I really needed to train Bacon up some more. He was a huge softie when it came to food.

Stephen and I stooped so low as to go through trash bins. Bacon jumped right in with us because, he too, was starving. There weren't many mushrooms out in the wonderful world of cement. Right now, we were digging through a trash bin. Stephen had hoisted me inside, since I couldn't possibly lift him up, as he stood guard.

"Yuck!" I exclaimed, as another wet, greasy newspaper stuck to my arm. My gag reflex was on high whenever I even smelled one of these, and now I was wallowing around in it, being attacked by moldy trash. I started gagging as I pinched the newspaper with my fingers and flung it off, then I shivered. Gross!

"Find anything yet?" Stephen called. I personally thought he was too grossed out by the prospect of swimming through trash, even though he had landed in a pile of manure. I guess some things just went to far on his gross-meter, and sorting through nasty trash was one of them.

Although, as I pinched my nose and tossed away a slimy banana peel, I completely agreed with him.

"No!" I shouted back. "If your so damn impatient, jump in here with me and help!"

"Uh, no thanks," I heard him reply. Just as I thought, a total sissy.

I dived back in, searching with more fervor just so I could get out of this dump. Unfortunately, I couldn't fine anything. I hopped back out and walked over to Stephen, pieces of trash sticking to me. I shook my head, "Looks like somebody already went through it."

"Damn," Stephen said, plopping down on the ground. I stood above him and watched him think over our dilemma. "Damn," he said again.

I pursed my lips, getting aggravated with him. I turned around and spotted a sign.

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