The Landlady: Continuation

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"No, my dear,"she said. "Only you."

Billy yawned, "I think ill go up to bed now if thats alright with you?"

"Why of course. Goodnight then Mr. Wilmer." He decided not to correct her, shed probably forget by morning anyways.

He climbed the stairs to the second floor, closing the door behind him and slipping into his pyjamas he climbed into bed, but found his mind wandering back to Mr. Mullohand and Mr. Temple. Why would they still be here? A few days, or even a months time would be understandable, but why would they stay here for years?

He heard noises of a door shutting, and assumed the landlady had gone off to bed. As quietly as he could, Billy slipped out of bed, grabbing the candle lantern from the beside table that had an already lit candle inside, and opened the bedroom door, trying his hardest to avoid the creaking of the hinges. He walked down the short hallway, climbing the slightly creaking stairs to the third landing of the house.

When he reached it, he found a hallway with two doors. He opened one, to reveal a sewing room, with all types of tools up on the wall. He stepped back, closing the door as quietly as he could and, thinking he heard footsteps behind him, spun around, the flame from the candle flickering against the darkness, but when he saw nothing, continued to quietly edge his way down the hallway to the last door.

Upon finally reaching the door, Billy turned the rusted gold doorknob, but heard another floorboard creak to his left, but again, when he illuminated the hallway, there was nobody there.

Billy pushed on the door, a cold draft blowing out the flame, the only light remaining was from the moon shining through the open window. In the small room, he could just make out his surroundings. There in the corner of the room stood an armchair, and in the remaining space left in the closet-like room was a small bed, upon which a particularly person-sized lump was placed. Billy walked slowly towards it, he reached out and gently pulled back the covers. Beneath them, lay a young man, from his looks about Billys age.

Billy watched him for a second, the realisation that the body was completely still, the man wasnt breathing. He reached out his hand to touch his neck to feel for a pulse, but didnt need to, his skin was ice cold. He turned around, a look of shock and confusion crossing his face, and noticed something he hadnt about the chair before. It was occupied by a similar looking, non-moving figure. He then glanced at the walls, and saw newspaper clippings, the headline from one reading Mullohand & Temple: Still Missing. Underneath were two pictures that looked awfully familiar.

At this point, fear was starting to creep through Billys body, and he jumped as the door behind him slammed shut, a floating light revealing the deranged landladys face. Billys eyes widened, in either shock mixed with fear, or maybe even sudden understanding.

"Hello Billy," she muttered. Her voice not the kind and caring sweet voice from earlier, but it had changed, it now sounded excited, and crazed, that sent shivers up Billys spine. Billys eye was caught by the shiny object in her hand, and when he squinted his eyes, he saw a silver butchers knife in the grasp of her bony hand.

She started to walk towards him, Billy taking a step back for every step she took forward until he was backed into the wall. He felt a doorknob resting on his back, and quickly turned it, running as fast as he could. The doorway led to the hallway on the third landing. He ran, practically leaping down the stairs, past the kitchen and through the sitting room, the landlady following closely behind him.

When Billy reached the front door, he turned the doorknob, completely out of breath, to find that it was locked. He quickly turned around, and saw that the landlady was no longer chasing him, but standing by the wall, her hand that didnt contain the knife up against the light switch.

"Oh my dear Billy."Her voice was sweet, innocent, but quickly changed, "You shouldve stayed in bed. Goodnight now." The last thing Billy saw was the crazed look upon her face, and her now dangerous and gloomy look in her eyes seconds before she flipped the switch, leaving Billy engulfed  in complete darkness, heavy footsteps coming his way, and a laugh erupting from the landladys throat as a sharp object was forced into Billys body.

Unfortunately on Billys account, he did not survive to tell the horrific tale, and was reported missing several days later.


So...that's my take on continuing the story. I hope you liked it!

- T

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