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Zack POV
In the middle of the night, I heard a loud scream. I walked out of my room. I peeked into everybody's room but no-one was awake. Maybe Nathan is pranking us. So I went back to sleep. Suddenly, there was another loud noise. I walked downstairs and saw pieces of problem glass on the floor. I cleaned it up and looked around the house again. I go back up to my room but there was blood on the wall. I don't know if it was real or fake but it surely said "Hi Zack". I was too scared to sleep alone and I'm not in the mood to clean up the blood. I knocked on Ant's door because he was the closest to my room. I showed him the blood writing. Ant was frozen for a minute. He didn't say a word. He went back to his room and locked his door. I went downstairs to show Charlie the blood but he was in a deep sleep. Finally, I went to Joe's room. I didn't bother to tell him about the creepy writing and just asked if I could sleep with him. I am too afraid to go back upstairs. I had a really bad nightmare. The things that I saw tonight was looping in my head. I started hearing whispers. I tried to ignore all the that has happened and stay in the present. I just need sleep. I closed my eyes, everything got worse. The voices got louder and clearer. The shattered glass and blood looped faster. I wanted to kill myself at that point. Joe gave me a little kiss and all that went away. January started off terribly. I got banned and now February is giving me goosebumps. 2018 is getting worse for me. The only great thing that happened was hitting 1 mil. Around 3 AM, I woke up again. I sat on the ground but now, everything is getting worse.

 I sat on the ground but now, everything is getting worse

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When Zack asked me if he could sleep with me I said yes. I didn't know why he asked me, but I didn't really mind.  After Zack woke me up, I couldn't go back to sleep. I went upstairs and what I saw was unbelievable. What I saw was blood on the walls that said, "Hi, Zack." That freaked me out that I almost fell off the stairs. I consciously walked to Ant's room, he was, of course, sleeping. I shooked him violently until he woke up. He asked me, "Joe, what the heck?! Im sleeping dude!" I said, "Dude, have you seen the blood writing on the walls that says, Hi, Zack?" He said, "Yeah, I've seen it. Zack showed me when he woke up." As we walked out of Ant's room, we heard a blood-curdling scream from downstairs.

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