Rose's Bedroom

"They're coming separately since they were all separate to begin with

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"They're coming separately since they were all separate to begin with. They were all cool about coming here for the meet up so no worries. But they should be getting here soon," Rose replied applying a new layer of red lipstick.

The doorbell rang and my heart stopped. Who's first? I walked to the door and smiled at the person outside through the peephole. I opened the door to reveal Brandon.

"Jewel!" He smiled hugging me tightly. "How are you?"

"Hey B! I'm tired from all of this moving but we literally just finished. When the rest gets here we'll give y'all a tour," I replied.

"Sounds good-"

"Glasses!" Rose yelled jumping on him and wrapping her legs around his waist. He hugged her tightly as well and I'm now a depressed single piece of shit.

The doorbell rang again and I yelled come in. The door opened and...

It was Zion.

He came inside a whole tan two shades darker than his normal skin tone and he stared right at me.

"Z! I missed you!" Rose smiled as they hugged.

"I missed you too! BRANDON!" He yelled jumping on Brandon. They both hugged each other and Z turned towards me. "Hey Jewel!"

I forced a smile as he gave me an awkward hug. My heart was fluttering. Out of stress. Maybe. But I held onto him a little longer than expected. I really missed him.

"I missed you Z. How was your trip?" I asked and he got serious.

"A fail," he replied and I stared at him understanding exactly what he meant.

The door opened and Nick and Austin walked through the door distracting us both.

"Hey losers!" Austin yelled hugging all of us. We all engaged in conversation and Nick and Brandon had a bro emotional moment about Brandon's dad.

"I'm very proud of you for staying strong man. It's admirable," Nick smiled and Brandon nodded smiling slightly.

"Thanks where's Edwin?-"

The door opened and there he was. And honestly I felt like the air was wiped from my lungs. He walked in smiling and glowing from the sun. His hair looked nice and curly. He even looked a bit more buff. He looked amazing.

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