Rumors to Facts

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NOTE: This is a story that I did in my creative writing class. The first two monsters were created by two of my classmates. I modified the original version to have it make more sense.

The house that loomed above me was even more terrifying in the dying light than I had expected. It was old, decaying, and held dark secrets that I wanted to uncover. I had always loved the idea of ghosts, so exploring the possible haunted mansion that sat all long just outside of my neighborhood was exciting. This place had been empty for years and no one has dared touch it due to the rumors. The peeling paint seemed to warn me as I entered, my hand running along the ancient walls. The old wooden floorboards creaked under my weight as I walked through the large front room. I turned on my flashlight against the deep darkness that filled the decrepit building. Dust covered everything and and the furniture was so old fashioned. I headed up the stairs that continued to protest my trespassing. I needed to prepare for my friend's arrival. John had promised to join me last minute and I hoped he wouldn't bail on me. That hope was dashed when I received a text from him, saying that he wasn't coming after all. I sighed at the news, but waved it aside. I'd just have to do it without him. I set up in one of the bedrooms, hoping that I'd find something interesting.

My wish was granted when the closet door slowly creaked open. My heart stopped as the loud hinges echoed through the empty house. My hands shook as I picked up the flashlight I had placed on the floor and turned toward the noisy closet. From my spot on the floor, I watched in growing fear as a being emerged from the small alcove.

"Oh gosh...What is that!" I shrieked and the thing looked at me, drool seeping from its fangs. It's tall slender body towered over me as I watched it look around, inspecting the room. It was hairless, but looked more like a wolf than a human. It's dark eyes locked onto mind and something snapped. I quickly stood, dropping my flashlight in the process, and ran out of the room. I heard the monster chasing me, its gigantic limbs crashing into walls and knocking decor to the ground. I gasped for breath as I ran, trying to remember the way back to the exit. It was so dark, I could barely see anything without my flashlight. Suddenly, my foot caught something I went tumbling to the floor. I could hear the creature searching for me and I quickly ducked under a nearby table I made out in the dim light. I shook with fear, close to tears as I sat in the dark. The thing moaned as it continued to searched. I clamped my mouth shut, trying not to breath too loudly, praying that it wouldn't find me.

Somewhere in the house, I heard a bell chine. I didn't dare move as I sat there shivering. It was getting cold. Extremely cold.

"Hey, are you in here?" John's voice rang through the house and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't even made that he'd ditched me anymore, I was just glad he was here. Now I could call it quits and go home.

"Yeah, where are you?" No answer. I crawled out from underneath the table and nearly had a heart attack. My friend was mere inches from my face. I jumped back, "Oh-oh, you scared me. let's get out of here, this place is bad news-" My friend didn't move. He just stared at me. I felt my fear begin to creep back up my throat.

"Hey, are you in here?" his voice said once again. But whatever was in front of me didn't move. Uneasy, I turned and ran. John's voice echoed relentlessly behind me, but I didn't dare look back. Whether this was the creature from before or something else, I didn't want to find out.

I didn't want to be here anymore. I wanted out of this place. I didn't care about the hauntings at this point. I ran blindly, getting turned around as my panicking thoughts drove me on.

I slid to a stop after passing the same painting for the third time and too deep, calming breathes. I needed to calm down and think. I looked around and felt strange. The house looked...different. It was darker and more grimy. The shadows stretched and seemed to reach for me. Something blurred at the corner of my vision and my head automatically turned to see nothing but an empty hall. Hot breath brushed my neck and I whirled around once more to see nothing but an old clock. A sound that resembled claws scratching wood came from my left, but I once again saw nothing. I stood there, unsure of myself. Was I seeing things? Was I going crazy?

A gentle giggle sounded in my ear and something whispered, "No, I'm here."

I bolted. I ran as fast as my legs could go, only aware of my ragged breath and need to get as far away as possible. I didn't get very far. Something wrapped around my neck and I gagged as it tightened. I fell to the floor, trying to get it off my throat. I needed air, I couldn't get it off.

"I died like that too..." the same voice said and cold hands grabbed my hands and pulled them away. Through the panic induced haze, I saw a boy. His eyes were dark and his mouth was twisted into a smile. A rope squeezed his neck and I understood what was slowly killing me. "You'll be here with me! We can have some run!" he giggled as my vision tunneled. He let my hands go to clap his own in excitement and I quickly reached into my pocket, pulled out my pocket knife, and cut the rope. I took my first breath in a while as the boy screamed. Black blood oozed from the rope as I looked up to see the smile on his face gone. I scrambled away from the enraged boy and ran. His screams followed me and I looked back to see the rope I had just cut writing as if in pain and his appearance shifting. He was growing and stretching, his limbs becoming long and skinny. His teeth grew with him, becoming long and sharp. I ran faster than I've ever run in my life. The thing followed, its snarls coming closer and closer. Finally, I caught sight of the stairs and I rushed down them with the sound of crashing and splintering wood behind me. I raced through the front room, past the dusty, ancient furniture, and burst out of the door. The night was silent s I ran, but I didn't dare stop until I reached home and locked the door.

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