Fire in the night Episode 17

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Gracie's p.o.v
"Can you believe it's time again?" I say after opening the door to my place and bringing snacks into the living room.
"I know! I'm not ready."
"What are you all worried about? If you could learn a little self-control, everything would be fine."
"You're not immune to this either, y'know." Says Louise.
"The moon is avoidable, unlike homework."
Night falls, and there's only minutes until the moon rises. There's a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I shout, not wanting to get up to get it.
"It's Max." I open the door.
"Max, you can't be here right now. It's a girls night."
"I bought card games. I was hoping I could hang out here for a while." The moon comes out from behind a cloud, and I blank. Then it's hidden by another cloud, and my senses come back to me.
"Sorry, Max. Not tonight." He frowns as I close the door. "Ok girls, let's lock it down. I'm positive the moon is up, because I've just drawn a blank slate."
Julia's p.o.v
As the door closes, I look at the vase of flowers nearby. It glowed so bright, and then suddenly, it didn't anymore. Such a bright glow makes me hungry.
Louise's p.o.v
I stand by the couch near Julia, where I catch her staring off into space. "Julia?" She looks up at me. "Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" She gets up off the couch. "Have you got any ice cream? She opens the fridge and rummages through it. "Nothing but protein shakes and fruit. Haven't you got anything sweeter to eat?"
"My mom has been on a health kick lately." Says Gracie. I'm sure you can find something."
"There's moisture in this icebox. And it's super hot in here!"
"I'm a little hot myself." I say, fanning myself with my hand.
"Same here." Says Gracie.
Julia's p.o.v
I see beads of sweat on their foreheads. I lean against the counter where the snacks and soda pop explode out of nowhere. "What's happening?!" She shouts.
"Julia, come sit down. I'll turn on the A/C.
I touch her but she burns me like a hot stove. "Ow!" I pull my hand back. Maybe you'd better seat yourself." I let Louise watch her while I go to turn it on. When I come back, Julia has turned red!
"I want some ice water."'
"I'll get it." Says Louise. She brings her the cup which melts in her hand along with the styrofoam.
"This is all my fault!"
"It's ok. You didn't mean it. I'm sure you'll cool down now that the A/C is on. You stay here, we'll try and get you something to help you cool down."
"We can fill up bags of ice." Louise suggests.
"Good idea." We start making bags of ice and when we finish, we turn around to see she's gone!
Julia's p.o.v
After coming to the more shallow part of Mako and drying off, I decide to find a place for solitude. Naturally, my hand brushes some leaves but those leaves catch on fire, and I start to run, but the fire follows me. I lay down, thinking the fire won't come after me if I do so. But it only grows bigger. A circle of fire surrounds me.
Louise's p.o.v
"How do we go after her without seeing the moon?" I say.
"Swim to Mako and hope we don't see it."
We come to the inland part of Mako, which smells like burnt earth.
"What happened here?" I say.
"I can't do this. It's all too much." Says Julia sitting with her knees together.
"Try and think of nice, cool things. Says Gracie. Snow, ice water, ice bath--"
"Gracie! You aren't helping!"
"Sorry... maybe we can go to the moon pool!"
"That's where this all started, maybe going there can end it."
"The moon pool is full of water and moonlight. Two things that haven't worked out so great that far."
"I don't think a nights' rest is going to fix this."
"Come on, Julia. Let's go to Mako Island."
"I'm meant to be alone. Why can't you see that?"
I squat down to her level. "Julia, we're in this together, like it or not." She looks at me for a second.
In the moon pool, Julia seems completely out of it. Her eyes are open, but she's staring at nothing. I'm holding her torso, while Gracie is holding her tail.
"Come on, Julia, snap out of it!" I say.
"Come on, Julia!" Gracie sounds like she's about to cry, and I struggle to keep my composure. Her eyes close slowly, and the water starts to heat up. We both try to call her name but she doesn't respond. Then the water starts to cool down, and Julia slowly opens her eyes.
"Wha-- what am I doing here?We look at each other. "Did I get too much moon last night?" We nod.
Julia's p.o.v
"It's so weird. I can't remember a thing. Where's Louise?"
"Grounded. Her parents saw the mess you made and decided to ground her on the spot."
"So I saw the moon, everything exploded, I became a human oven, and ran away to Mako. She nods. "All in one night."
She sighs. "This full moon thing is so creepy."
"It could be worse."
"We could turn into werewolves." She giggles.

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