Guardian of the sea Episode 11

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Gracie's p.o.v
I shade in the details of my latest sketch and erase details and add some, when Louise comes up.
"What are you drawing?" She asks. I lean back so she can see. It's a very detailed drawing of Mako with the caves, flat rocks, the tiny pebbles that surround the rock, and the moon pool colored light blue with the moon overhead, just before it starts to bubble.

 "It's beautiful, as always

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"It's beautiful, as always."
"Speaking of, I think it might be time again."
"I don't follow."
I whisper. "The full moon. The time where we draw a blank slate and strange things happen."
"Oh no. I've got five minutes on my break still. I'll call Julia and tell her to come to my place."
"Do that. When's your next break?"
"I get off in an hour. Why?"
"I have to confirm it. I'll call you." We go our separate ways.
Louise's p.o.v
According to the normal phases of the moon, I was right. The time ticks by as I wait to call Gracie. When it does, I ask, "Is Julia there?"
"No. You'll have to call her. Is it a full moon tonight?"
"I'm afraid so. Bring snacks."
"There was food last time at Max's party."
"Which we never got to enjoy. You owe me."
"Alright, next time, ok?"
"Ok. Mum stays you two can stay. Come about 5:30?"
"Sure. See you then." Next, I dial Julia and tell her the news. Gracie and I get comfy on the couch, flipping through the channels. It's 5:55, there is a knock on the door. It's Julia with rope in her hand.
"Where were you? I step aside to let her in.
"Enjoying a feast. She plops on the couch.
Too bad you weren't there. I bought this for tonight, she says, holding up some rope, in case things get crazy."
"That's all well and good, but need I remind you what tonight is?"
"I'm well aware as seen by the rope." She eats the bowl of popcorn that's on Gracie's lap.
"How are you not concerned?"
"As long as we keep everything covered, it's fine."
A hour later, I get up to go to go the bathroom.
"I should go with you." Volunteers Gracie.
"The moon is hidden by the clouds. I'll be careful." I do my business, and turn off the dripping sink. The moon appears. I let my fingers trail the water. I look up. I'm hungry, I think to myself.
I come out of the bathroom and head to the fridge. Fish! Perfect for my appetite. I grab a can of sardines, open it, and swallow one whole.
"Louise." Gracie calls. "What did you find in the fridge? I found something good to watch."
"Great! I got sardines."
"That's a weird craving."
"No, it's one of the best. I plop down on the couch. "Want one? I shove a sardine in Gracie's face.
"No, thanks."
"More for me.
Gracie's p.o.v
As I watch Louise shove sardines into her mouth, I see that her hands are wet, yet her legs remain. "Stay here." I say, firmly.
I grab Julia and take her into the kitchen.
"She's seen the moon. Her hands are wet."
"We'll take turns keeping guard." We come back into the living room, but Louise is gone. "Oh no!" Trails of sardines and their empty cans lead into the ocean. "We've got to go after her!" I start, but Julia puts her arm in front of me.
"We can't."
"So what, we just wait here?" I pace.
"We have no choice."
Louise's p.o.v
I finish my handful of sardines. I spot a canoe nearby. With rage, I tear it to pieces. The sea belongs to the mer people, not the humans. I dive in search for more.
Gracie's p.o.v
"Thank you, Max." I hang up the phone.
"I don't think this is a good idea."
"We don't really have a choice, do we? The books he brings might provide an answer as to what's going on with Louise." He arrives with a stack so tall I can't see his face.
"Be my eyes, will you Gracie?"
"Sure. Keep walking, keep walking, left, left, rig--" His knee bumps into the couch, where the mass of books spill. "Thanks so much, Max."
"You're welcome." He says, out of breath. "Where's Louise?"
"I'm sorry, Max. You have to go." I push him toward the door with my head down to avoid the moon.
"What? But I--" Julia gets up to slam the door in his face.
"You wouldn't have been able to do it." My shoulders slump, and I sigh.
"I suppose we better get started on the books."
"About that,--"
"No excuses. Take the first half." I push some over her way.
"We're never going to find it."
"Not if you say we won't."
Louise's p.o.v
Ten canoes destroyed. Now I'm getting hungry again. There's plenty of fish in the sea, but no way to catch them. Looks like I have to go scouting. I come near the surface, hiding behind a rock. A cooler opens, where I see a big fish. I dive deep below, my arm coming up to catch the fish, making the humans scream in terror. I surface and hide behind the rock, where I eat noisily. I see my reflection in the mirror. My blond hair has turned black as night, and my teeth have sharpened. And my tongue... is changing shape. Perhaps this is the way mermaids are supposed to be, different from humans in every way, except for we both have skin. Our homes are different, our looks are different, our minds must be too. I don't belong here. We don't belong here. I arrive at Emma's house and grab a towel to change into my human form. "You must listen." I say as I enter and close the door. "Mermaids are meant to protect the sea. These legs are not our true form, but rather an easier form of transportation while we work to complete our mission."
"Louise, you aren't well. Gracie comes up to me. "What happened to your hair?"I smile. "And your teeth?"
"I told you this is my true form. It is the form the both of you shall take in the water." She grabs my hand and puts me in bed. "You don't understand. We are guardians of the sea, chosen by the moon."
"We weren't chosen. It was an accident."
"We must protect the sea from the humans at all costs."
"I'll take over for you. Julia will make sure you get a nice sleep."
"Very well. I shall take a short nap. I'm tired."
Gracie's p.o.v
I make my way over to the couch where I look for guardian of the sea in the table of contents. I find a bunch of different deities said to protect the sea when I think I find what I'm looking for. Marikihau are guardians of the sea that are very large fish with tubelike tongues that eats large amounts of fish and destroys canoes. An ancient carving shows a monster type thing with large eyes, a tiny mouth, and a fishtail wrapped in waves, and it appears to be standing on waves. I hope Louise hasn't done anything crazy. When I come back into Louise's room, she is dressed for bed. "It appears you were right, she says. "I intend to have a long slumber." Julia and I take turns keeping guard as we each go to the bathroom to change into our robes. After we're both settled and we get into bed, it isn't long before Julia falls asleep and as my own eyes get droopy, I sit up to see Louise asleep as well. Quietly, I snuggle into bed.
Louise's p.o.v
Gracie and Julia are fast asleep, I think after thirty minutes. Quietly, I grab a pack of sardines and then dive into the ocean. Here, I eat. Then I dive under to complete
my mission. Eventually, sunrise comes. I speed swim back to the house, using the towel from before to dry off. I know there isn't time to get back in bed, so I make cereal for the three of us to provide a reason for my absence. I put the cereal on the table.
"There you are!" Says Gracie.
"You know me. I'm an early riser so I decided to make breakfast."
"Thanks for staying in bed, and for breakfast."
"No problem."
"This just in," says the radio announcer. "At least 30 canoes were torn to pieces last night. The culprit has yet to be identified, and motives are unknown. That's all for now--" The radio is shut off by Julia.
"You were supposed to stay in bed."
"I cannot resist the call to protect the sea."
"Listen to me. She walks over to me and grabs a bit of my hair. "This isn't you. She walks over to the fridge, pulls out sardines, and hangs one over my head. I snatch it and gobble it down as she grabs a spoon so I can see my reflection. "Neither is this."
"What do you mean? I take the sardines from her and shove them in my mouth. "All I'm doing is enjoying fish." She drops the spoon in the sink angrily. "The moon is doing this to you." I gulp down the sardines. "Come in the water. You will find your true purpose."
"This is hopeless."
"The moonlight is fading." Says Gracie. "I'll run a bath." She starts for the bathroom, but Julia stops her.
"That's what started this whole thing."
"What do we do with her, then?"
"I'll be back." She lifts up the couch cushion to get rope. "Hold her." Julia starts to tie me up, and I fight hard. I almost escape, but eventually I'm wrapped in the rope three times. Their foreheads are beaded with sweat.
"Where did you get the rope from?" Gracie says.
"I bought it, just in case."
"You don't remember coming with it in my hand?"
"It slipped my mind."
"Why am I tied up?" Says Louise.
"Louise, you're back to normal!" I say. I can't believe it took us that long to tie her up. I could swear the moon was up just a second ago.
"What do you mean? Why are the both of you sweating?"
"It's hard to explain. It was the moon. You got affected."
"I can't remember a thing. Why does my breath smell so bad?"
Julia walks over to untie me. "Like she said, it's hard to explain."

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