15. Take Responsibility of Your Birthright

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The next morning, I spend in sick hall, because I refuse to tell the humans anything. I got Endella to take and hide the clothes before they came for me, though. Now I sit and wait for them to take me to the Kings castle for some proper interrogation. I don't understand why they cant do it here, but I just leave it.

After a restless night, and several failed attempts of dragons trying to talk to me, the humans finally come for me. They take me out of the laboratory, and for a brief moment, I can feel the sun on my skin. Though I don't need it, I miss the actual sun, not filtered through water and glass.

I am forced to leave it again though, as the humans push me into a horse drawn carriage. I guess they don't trust me to ride a horse. There's a human in the carriage as well, but I pay him no mind as I look out of the door window on my side. The inner kingdom is smaller than I thought, but it goes over several hills. I think human communities are strange.

Though the kingdom city is almost grand yet strange, the kingdom castle, from a distance, seems rather mundane. Pretty square, made of stone and dark woods. I'm not as intimidated as I thought we should be.

It takes about an hour to get to the castle, but when we do, the human inside with me makes sure to bind my wings before letting me out.Then they lead me though the front doors and down the main hall. I really have to assume this castle was made on some sort of budget, because the only decorations are wall torches, red carpet, and some very unimpressive chandeliers. I'm no architect, but wow.

The humans guide me up a flight of wood stairs, down two halls, and into what looks like a meeting room. Inside, there's several guards, and a round table with six people sitting on the far side. All of which, are familiar, except for the hooded cloaked person at the center of them.

I know without a trace of hope or doubt the person is not my mother. The others though, are from the town I helped burn down. They ran the Ender shop. Among them, I easily spot Natalie. "Nice to see you alive and well." I say flatly, voice dripping with sarcasm.

"I can't say the same for you." She mutters, looking down at the table. I know what she's doing; She's scared of me, to which I smirk in satisfaction.

"Sit down." The hooded man says, his voice sounding old and gravely. I sit on the opposite side of the table, watching him carefully. If this is the man they are trying to pass off as a King, they must think I'm stupid.

"Now, Vimah, is it? Or would it be more proper to call you Endress? I'm sure you can tell this isn't a normal interrogation. But let's be on with it." He says, eyeing me from beneath his hood. "Yesterday someone managed to get through the entire laboratory and into the dome. It seemed to be a dragon, but no one seems to have seen the invader. Only that they talked to them. Do you know them, or they you?" The man says in his gravely voice.

"No, I have no idea who it was. She just said something about me helping her get people out. I knew it wouldn't work though, so I just kept her distracted until the humans came." I create a lie with ease.

"Some tell us you hugged the invader. Why would that be, if she was not familiar to you?" Someone else asks.

"I hugged her because I believed for a moment that we had a savior. I realized though, that it couldn't work, so I needed to distract her until the humans came." At least, part of that was true.

"She was gone instantly when her cloak was removed. Even before then, our Special Eyes couldn't see her." He refers to people like Endella. "It is believed then, that she is the Queen, but you would know your own mother, right?" He asks, but he seems sure.

"Yes, I would, but that was not the Queen, I'm sure of it." I say, keeping a level tone. So, the Dread-monger kept his word of exposing me to the King.

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