Caught in the Act

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We spent much of the next few hours talking about what I did, with Ensver noting I was glowing while I was holding the portal energy. Eventually, we start talking about school, and decide Ensver and I aren't going tomorrow. We're going to take turns sleeping through the entire day, in case more dragon hunters come.

Since I take second shift, I head to my cave to get some rest. When I come in, there's a note on my bed, reading 'Hey, Endress. Sorry I didn't stick around. Your cats freaked me out too much, so I asked someone else to take care of them. Hope you don't mind. ~Endra'. Endra, or Elizabeth, let a human into my home. I suppose that's how the dragon hunters found us. I sigh and lie on my bed Come on Endra. You have to be more careful than that.

I turn to face the wall and let sleep consume me, with dreams of swirling purple passes and humans with swords.

It doesn't feel like very long, but eventually my eight hours are up, and Ensver shakes me awake. I sit up and yawn, watching him turn to go back to his room. After a few minutes of sitting there, groggy eyed and yawning every four seconds, I get up. I grab the vibrating bottle and my stick, then walk to the main cave. I sit in the entrance drop and stare at the bottle. Actually, I want to try something, so I stand and pull a pick ax out of my back and hack away at the portal until its completely gone.

I put the pick away and turn back to the bottle. I'm surprised to see the energy is still there. I sit in front of it again, watching it closely as it swirls and glitters slowly. Time to play. I carefully open the bottle, immediately talking control of the energy. Bring it back inside, take full control. Closing my eyes, I pull the energy back into my hands. I can feel the energy moving through me like lightning, counting how long it takes for it to start to burn me.

It takes about twenty seconds. When it does, I bring the energy back into my hands. It's still very hard to control, but it feels easier. Maybe because the portal is gone. Thinking about it distracts me too much, and I lose control of the energy. I panic at first, watching as the energy turns into a loose cloud, then starts dispersing. I start to calm, noticing that it's not really going anywhere, since its portal is gone. I bring the energy back together into it's small cloud and guide it back into it's bottle.

What a strange god given power, control over portals. I wonder what more there is to it. I mess around with the energy for the next few hours, practicing holding the energy within me for longer periods of time, then moving and expanding it as I cool down. I keep wanting to touch it, but something tells me that would be a very bad idea. I continue with the practice until the sunlight doesn't touch the ground. That's the mark of my eight hours done.

I get up and walk to my room, setting the bottle and stick by the door, then walk to Endev's room. I clap as loud as I can to wake him up, purely to startle him. It works, as he jumps awake, throwing his covers off and sitting up quickly, feeling for a sword. I cant help but laugh, the way he looks at me. "Should have taken first shift so you couldn't wake me up like that." He grumbles.

"Yeah, I can't imagine why you chose last shift, with the most hours and a dark, scary night ahead of you." I grin, then head back to my room. I let sleep take me over once again, until next morning comes. Dreams are easier this time, people talking and watching slow moving lightning overhead.

Endev issues the wake up call in the morning, then immediately crashes. I get up and gather my things for school in a messy pile. Then I pull my jacket on, even though it will be plenty warm in school, because I don't think it's safe to fly to school. Before I leave the room to actually go, I grab the energy bottle. It might be fun to play with on the walk home. I grab a human potion too, then fly out of the cave and drink it. Ensver flies out soon after and catches up with me.

Shamelessly Alive (A Minecraft Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon