A Letter To The Stars

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"Dawn goes down to day, nothing gold can stay."

This quote moved me in such a way that I started thinking, about life, our purpose. Why are we here? Is everybody as precious as gold? Why are we even living if we have to die someday, today, or maybe tomorrow or in 20 years but what matters is that we have to go, up to stars, to God....We don't even know where.

The Fault In Our Stars.... the title itself has a deep meaning. You open the book and you start feeling things. Yes, I've read the book, yes I am obsessed just like every other person who has read it but mostly, I am moved. I wanted the characters to be real, to come alive. If not the characters, I wanted to meet John Green but we live miles apart and of course he is such a big legend, I couldn't find his email id and I know he wouldn't read my ordinary letters but these are just some pages I'm writing (typing) to satisy myself cause you never know when the dawn goes away and because there is some hope inside of me.

Making the characters come alive and connecting with John Green, here are some letters written by me for The Stars of The Fault In Our Stars

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