Chapter 16

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Hey, guys. Hope you’re good.

I am because I have a bunch of new songs on my phone.

I wanted to meet my Sunshine, but I have ‘girl problems’ and threw up. But I’m planning on visiting her soon, and my mum actually said yes!

I’m googling things like, “How to tell your parents you’re lesbian?” But it really doesn’t work.

Man, I didn’t realize how short my stories are this time.

My 300 Follower Special will most probably be a 400 Follower Special. And I’m writing on two Elounor Break Up Specials because I am a little shit.

Dammit, I have over 360 Followers and 2300 Votes in total. You’re so amazing. An Lordy McLordy, 1000 Votes on Heartbreaker!

The funny thing is, when you type ‘elounor smut’ in the tumblr search box, there only come Larry Shipper making fun of Elounor :D

Okay, hope you’ll like this.



Louis watched through the bars how Harry landed on the ground, one foot on the Demon’s chest and dagger raised in the air. The crowd cheered.

Louis smiled. It had been a week since the first battle, and Harry had quickly grown to the audience’ favourite.

Louis had gone through five fights and he lost three of them, due to being weaker and smaller than his opponents. He didn’t get hurt by them, though, they just threw him on the ground. As soon as someone was lying on the ground longer than three seconds, they lost.

Harry wiped his dagger off and put it back into the straps before he walked back into the cage where he was hugged by his boyfriend.

“Well done,” Louis said before pressing a short peck to the Fallen Angel’s lips.

Harry smirked widely and pulled Louis against his chest. “You’re in today as well. I’m sure you’re gonna kick that ugly Demon ass.”

Louis chuckled, but his laugh died soon and he sighed, a serious, slightly pained expression settling on his face. Harry’s smile died down as well and Louis looked down on his dagger.

“I don’t wanna anymore, Harry. I’m not made to fight. I’m made so save people, not to hurt them. It’s not my nature. If I were a Fallen One, it would be a hell different story but now … I don’t wanna anymore.”

Harry smiled sadly and wrapped Louis up in his arms again, burying his face in Louis’ feathery brown hair, inhaling his sweet scent.

“I know, love, I know. I wish I could do more, but I can’t. I’m just another Fallen One.”

Louis ran a hand through the taller boy’s curly hair, saying, “It’s not your fault, love. Just, wish me luck, okay?”

Harry nodded and watched as Louis walked out of the cage. The crowd cheered. All of them liked Louis a lot, due to his beauty and his fantastic wings and the ugliness of the Demons.

Louis looked at the Demon with angry fierce in his eyes. It was Gerald. Louis loathed the Demon. He had scared Louis from the start and always tried touching him, eyeing him like he was a piece of meat.

Louis scrunched his nose at him and raised his chin, looking proudly into the Demon’s white glowing eyes. The back clawed fingers wrapped around the heft of the silver sword and the forked tongue licked over black lips as Gerald stared at Louis.

Our Love Will Conquer (Larry Stylinson AU Angel!Louis Fallen Angel!Harry)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora