Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

Dad gave Spencer a deadly look, which made his shut up. Jessica and I looked at each other, curiosity filling our minds. We eagerly looked at Dad and Spencer, hoping one of them would continue the story. Nether continued, with Dad instead heading upstairs to get changed and Spencer saying he was going to wash the substance off his face.

"What do you think that was about?" Jessica asked once we were alone. I shrugged, though my curiosity was bursting from my fingertips, showed by my constant tapping on the table. "I'll be going now," Jessica said, walking out the kitchen door.

"Where are you going?" I asked, but I was too late. I heard the door click shut behind her.

Alone again, I thought to myself. I put my feet up on Spencer's stool and looked around the kitchen. A pile of dishes were forming in the sink, a few crumbs - and a huge mess of chocolate sauce were spread on the table. The room looked like it was well used and lived in. This morning felt as though I had a welcoming, normal family to wake up to each day when in reality...

I did have that. It started off a bit rocky, but here we are. Me, Spencer, Dad and even Jessica. A family.

But mom...

I didn't even know why I thought of that witch. She was never a mother to me. She never cared. It was all about the Institute for her. Its for the best. It's for the future. Ugh, I could just hear her evil, bone-chilling voice in my head.

And then there was what Spencer said. Mom was helping the other side. What was that all about?

DING! My phone screen lit up, signalling a new message. Unfortunately, the screen was faced down so I couldn't read it. Looking down at my chocolate covered fingers, I decided that picking it up with my bare hands wasn't the best idea. "Accio sink," I moaned, looking at the sink. It was two far and my feet refused to start walking.

Instead, with a flick of my wrist, I flipped the phone over. With telekinesis. The act was easier than I wanted it to be. I was really starting to get used to my powers, wasn't I?

The message was from Tyson: 3:30. willow's diner - 325 ashdale road. gonna piece everything together cuz no ones gonna give answers. no adults allowed.

I read the message twice. He was right - no one was telling us any more information. Dad and the king have kept the Institute on the low for a while now, trying to act as if nothing bad was happening. They tried acting normal, like they didn't know four teenagers who have super powers. If we didn't try to figure out what exactly mom and the Institute were planning, we won't be able to get ahead of that.

"Hey Sp-" I stopped mid-way when my phone dinged again. Another message from Tyson: no adults = no spence. k? the five us us should think this through first.

"Yeah?" Spencer appeared in the kitchen once again, now dressed in a grey sweatshirt and jeans. "Something up?"

I flick my wrist again, my phone screen now facing the table. "No. Nothing. Never mind." I say quickly. He looks at me suspiciously before turning back around and heading towards the living room.

3:30. Willow's Diner. See you there, I text back.

-- : --

Tyson takes a large gulp of his hot chocolate. "Okay, so what do we know about their big, huge, ultimate plan?"

"That it's big. It's huge. It's their ultimate plan and it's all over the place." Tyson, Jessica, Alyssa and I all turn to Aidan's direction, giving him a very odd look. The boy bit his lip. "What? I thought we should start with the obvious."

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