Chapter 11 pt.1

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Jazz had other plans she turned the music off making all of them look up finally revealing that we was here.

One of the strippers was bad as hell she looked at Jazz crazy and started back dancing on Wiz without the music. "Y'all bitches gotta go now." Robyn said eyeing Chris down.

"Y'all bitches don't understand English? Get the stepping." Jazz said.

"Who the fuck you talking to? We ain't disrespect you heifers so don't disrespect my girls." one of em said she wasn't even all of that.

98% of her was silicone.

"Hollup now bitch you crossed a couple lines don't ever step to my best friend like that." I said standing up.

A bitch been feeling good since I been taking my meds and shit.

"What you gone do?"

I walked up on the hoe before I was quickly snatched away.

"Ay thank y'all for coming out. Y'all can go out the back Storm." August said. These niggas knew all the stripper's name too.

"Damn bruh." Chris said sucking his teeth. "You mad?" Robyn asked nudging his head.

"Bruh chill with that shit." he told her.

"Whatever yeen gone do none." she said. "My nigga which one of these rooms sound proof down here?"

"All." James responded he pulled Robyn into one.

"Y'all ain't gone help?" I just watched laughing. "What y'all here for?" James asked.

The girls looked at me.

"Raggedy bitches." I said.

"Y'all ain't answer my question!" "Cause we can we ain't gotta answer to you." I told him.

"Since when?" he stood up.

"Since I said so the fuck?" he walked closer this time I just stood there.

"Bruh chill sit y'all ass down." August said getting in the middle of us. "I fuck with you nigga but if you touch my cousin we gone have a real ass problem." Auggy said.

"Ain't nobody gone touch her soft ass. I'll be fighting with a pillow if that's the case." he said laughing.

"Fuck you."

"Shit when?" he lit a blunt and just laughed. Do not cry bitch be strong.

I told myself over and over in my head. I walked out the room. "Where Bre?" I asked they momma. "Cheer practice."

"Owe...yo son is stupid." I bluntly said.

She sat a glass of hot chocolate out in front of me. "Tell me some I don't know." I laughed.

"My momma is getting released tomorrow."

"You going to get her?" "I was supposed to but things happen." "Right. He was yo ride?" "Yep."

I was kind of out of the conversation.

I was thinking about everything except the right thing. "Well would you like to help me cook Thanksgiving dinner?"

"Yea sure. I need some to take my mind off." "Go wash yo hands and bring me all the dishes out of James room." "Yes ma'am."

I went to his room and grabbed the dishes off his dresser.

I picked up a photo album marked 'Baby James Journey.' I sat down on the bed and flipped the first page.

"What you doing in here?" he asked.

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