I Know

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Cry no more my dear
I know how you feel
I know how you feel confused
How you feel torn
I know how you feel frustrated
Trying to run out of your skin
Trust me, I know

I know how you're pulled in different directions
By different people
With no thoughts of how you feel

I know how you want to cast blame
Lash out at someone
Pull them down
Cos that's what they did to you

But you know
Oh yes, you know
You know they have no fault whatsoever
You know you just lack the courage
To stand firm in your resolve

And they know
They know your week point
And that's what they're targeting
They know your soft point
And they chose to play

Trust me, I know
I know how you want to conquer the world
Sit on the golden unicorn
Smile and tell yourself you did it

Oh yes, I know
I know how many sleepless nights you had
When thoughts of your dreams fill your mind
Chasing sleep away like an errant child

I know how many days you brood
Wishing for a miracle, an opportunity
A way to prove to yourself, your worth
Yes, I know

I know all the bottled up feelings
Feelings you think no one understands
Or care enough to listen to
Feelings that makes you cry on your worst days
Trust me, I know

I know how you feel like the world is crashing on you
How you feel like the whole planet's problem is on your shoulder
Don't I know?

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