"Oh oppa. I wasn't mean. that's just how I sound when I talk"

Jungkook internally cringed and rolled his eyes. He pulled jimin closer to him and continued taking notes from the board, and so was jimin.

After the bell rang, the teacher had called him and marissa up to her desk.

He gave jimin a peck and told jimin to wait by the doorway of the classroom.

"So Jungkook I was thinking that you should show her around school since she's new and doesn't know where anything is."

Jungkook looked shocked and try to talk himself out of doing it.

"NO no! I can't I have to go to lunch with jimin. We promised to feed each other today!" Jungkook whined.

"Well he'll have to wait. This is more important than your little boyfriend" marissa had snapped.

Jungkook was fuming. This girl was getting on his last nerves and he's getting frustrated.

Jungkook was very protective over jimin. Like if you talk bad about jimin, prepare for the worst.

"Leave jimin out of this. My baby has nothing to do with this situation"

The teacher gave Jungkook a stern look and he finally gave in.

"Fine I'll do it" Jungkook said crossing his arms, looking annoyed.

The teacher clapped her hands and shooed them off.

"I have to tell him. Wait"

Jungkook walked towards jimin and his face soften when he saw jimin waiting there with an adorable smile on his face.

"Baby, the teacher is making me show the girl around the school since she's new"

Jimin looked sad and his smile dropped slowly.

"O-oh okay. Well I'll see you later than. Have fun, and please be careful i around her. I don't trust her at all." Jimin whispered the last part and Jungkook agreed with him.

He doesn't trust her either. It's just something about her and he already just doesn't like her.

"Okay. I love you baby boy"

"I love you too, baby"

He had a wide smile as he saw jimin walk away cutely.

He heard the girl behind him clear her throat and he couldn't help but roll his eyes.

He grabbed his stuff and mumbled to let's go.

As he was walking around, and showing her the rooms and places, she was always leaning towards him or trying to get closer to him and he would move away instantly.

"Okay can you please stop??" Jungkook asked annoyed

"But oppa I know you like me, cause come on. That jimin boy isn't even attractive and you know it" she said crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.

"don't call me oppa. I'm not your oppa. I don't even know you and you're already calling me that" He said under his breath.

"Okay so what do you say? Me and you date? Today-"

"NO!!! How many times do I have to tell you?? I'm dating someone who I love and will cherish forever and plus I'm gay!!! What makes you think I would want to date you??? You know what I'm done. Bye"

Jungkook quickly walked away. He was mad, angry. She made him mad and now he can't even think. He really needs jimin badly.

As he walked into the cafeteria he spotted jimin sitting down with namjoon, seokjin, TaeHyung, hoseok and yoongi.

They all were laughing at something Jin said but he didn't really care he needs jimin.

He walked up to the table and sat down close to jimin, burying his face in his neck.

Jimin looked worried and moved closer to him and wrapped his arms around Jungkook.

"Are you okay kookie?" He asked with worry laced in his voice.

He shook his head and was breathing heavily. Jimin only pulled Jungkook closer. Jungkook couldn't believe he was close to crying. That girl really pissed him off.

"Just calm down baby. Breathe in and out. In and out" jimin said calmly.

Jungkook couldn't do it as tears ran down his face. Jimin looked at the others who were looking genuinely concerned and worried.

Jimin smiled and grabbed jungkooks arm along with his stuff and headed straight to the rooftop.

Once he got up there, he sat down with Jungkook on his lap and Jungkook kept crying.

"What happened baby? Please tell me."

"That new girl. I don't like her at all." He said hiccuping.

Jimin shook his head and pulled Jungkook closer to him, Jungkook still sitting on jimins lap with his arms wrapped around his neck, face buried in his neck too.

"Shhh everything will be fine honey. I promise you. Just don't even pay no attention to her"

Jimin hugger Jungkook closer and closer and they both were enjoying this very much.

But eventually Jungkook had fell asleep and jimin couldn't help but smile.

The girl was so wrong for being mean to my man jimin thought.

But the only thing that Was important to him right now is kookie, his baby in his arms.

And he wouldn't have any other way.



I hope you guys like it. I kept falling asleep writing it but I did it!!!!


CUTIE - JIKOOK (under editing) Where stories live. Discover now