The Nurse

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A/N This is JP fanfic. you guys will be played by me, so if you don't like it, replace my name with your name.

"Nononono!!" Yelling only hurt JP' s shoulder more. Tears began to fall. His goal was to buy the others time. But now, he just wanted to see Kiera's beautiful smile one. Last. Time. Suddenly, she came. Kiera, sprinting towards him, bleeding, but she was here. 

"JP..." She mumbled, pulling him down. She yanked him into a house and looked at his shoulder. 

"Shoot...JP..." She was on the brink of tears. JP couldn't handle it. She looked at him, while he caressed her cheek lightly, wiping away stubborn tears. She smiled, but it was in vain. He couldn't handle it anymore. He put both hands on her waist and kissed her, putting all his feelings for her into it. He pulled away, hearing footsteps up the stairs. Kiera pulled him up and shoved him into a red closet. The footsteps became louder, until Gar stood there. 

"Where have you been?" He whisper shouted. She sighed and pulled JP out of the closet. Gar gasped at his shoulder. 

"Oh god. Kiera.. JP.. Pat and Wade made it, so they sent me to get you." Kiera nodded and pulled JP along to the door. Then.... 

The heartbeat....


Kiera was down, blood everywhere, Gar shoved JP out the door and ran to Kiera. 

"YOU BITCH!!" He yelled at the Nurse. She merely glanced at him before making the final incision in Kiera's chest, spilled blood, and staining her hands. Gar pulled out his necklace, the cross in hand. He shoved it in the Nurse's face, yelling blessings at her. She shrieked and eventually fell, dying.

"Fuck...Kiera...." Gar sat down next to her, crying. He held her hand. 

"KIERA! GAR!" Wade and Pat yelled. JP nearly fainted. Pat slid to Kiera, checking for a glimmer of life. Wade put his head down.

JP was hit the hardest. He loved her. He wanted her to live. Why did she have to be so brave? Why couldn't he just finish one generator? Kiera's head jerked, until she forced herself up. She gasped and looked all around her. 

"What the fuck happened!!?" JP' s knees buckled, until he was crashing down into her arms. He cried. He couldn't help it. 

"Tits Kiera.. Don't ever frickin do that again..." She giggled, holding him as close as possible.

She was almost...Dead by Daylight....

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