Chapter 1

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   Kacy's pov.

     I have been home schooled all my life because of what I am. It is to dangerous to let anyone know what I am. The only people that know is my family. When I find my mate I plan on telling him but I don't know if I will get one.

    'Kacy I want to go fly and spread our wings come on' my angel said. 'What no I want to run and feel the wind blow our fur' my wolf started to argue towards my angel. Oh great I am never gonna hear the end of this.

    'Guys calm down we will fly then run how about that' finally after that they were quiet but they always argue. 'I'm going back to sleep you guys can at least be quiet for five hours' I love my demon because she is calm.

    My demons name is Roxie. My wolf's name is power. My vampires name is Widow. Then finally my angels name is Spirit.

    'Hey Kacy don't forget to feed either we don't want to kill someone in our pack' I just nodded at what my vampire said. See usually packs have that one slut but our pack does not have a slut.

    And boy am I glad for that haha. I walked downstairs towards the kitchen to find my mother. I opened the kitchen door to find her talking to one of the vampires. He was my best friend his name is Mat.

    He also knows what I am because he noticed I was off one day and followed me in the woods and saw. He actually didn't freak out and was cool with it. He actually helps me when I need it too.

    I used my vampire speed and jumped on his back. "Well how are you doin' you crazy monkey." Mat looked up at me and smiled. "I'm doing fine but mom I'm going on a run and what not, I'll be back at six."

    She turned around and looked at the time. "Okay but if your food is cold when you get back it's not my fault." I nodded and hopped off Mat's back.

    I opened the back door and started walking in the woods. I transformed into my angel and flapped my wings a little. My dress is purple while my wings are glowing but see through.

    I flied all the way up over the clouds then just started flying. I can fly all over the world and still make it back by six but my wolf wouldn't get a chance to shift and I wouldn't be able to feed. I started going towards the ground when I got shot in my hip.

    The pressure of the bullet hitting me made me lose control and fall. I started gaining control but I hit a tree and fell to the ground. I have no clue what type of bullet this is but every single time I touched it, it burned.

    I can touch vervain and not get hurt. Also with wolfbane if I touch it, it won't hurt. So I can't think of what this bullet was drenched in. I transformed back into my human form because my angel was to weak.

    'I'm sorry Kacy it is draining me' 'its okay I will be fine' she turned quiet and went in the back of my head. I stood up but winced half way through. I leaned against a tree for help but then on my righ I heard rustling.

    I saw a black wolf walk out then three more wolves. My vision started getting blurry but I shook my head for I can stay awake. The black wolf walked behind a tree. A man came back out but not any man.

    A teenager about 17 or older. "I am alpha of this pack now state your business of why a angel is wandering alone over my pack." I couldn't hold myself anymore and I fell over.

    Before I could even touch the ground I felt strong arms secure me. I felt shocks all over of where the hands were on me. "Mate" I said before I passed out.


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