"Oh, honey, are you okay?" Mrs. Hull screamed out as she came out from under the garage to see if I was okay. My knees were scraped and my elbow started to bleed, but I was fine.

"No, Mrs. Hull, I'm fine, but thanks for checking on me." I stood up with a grunt, and that startled Mrs. Hull even more.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I assured her I was fine and I wiped off the bits of gravel embedded in my skin. "Hey, now that you're here, I meant to ask if you and Noah were doing okay."

I did a double take and stumbled back. "Noah and I, Noah and I? As in an item, "Noah and I"? Oh, no, I can guarantee that there is nothing happening between us, I mean him, I mean us as a couple--I mean friends, wow it's hot. I better get back to my house soon before it, uh, starts to rain, but I'll see you later, Mrs. Hull." I stuttered as I slowly backed away from her.

"Are you sure? Because--"

"Everything is fine, Mrs. Hull!" I yelled back to her as I ran down her street, further and further away from her house. There was, in fact, the aroma of rain present in the air, and I was easily three miles away from the house. I decided to run further until drops would begin to fall, but it looked like my desicion had already been decided once raindrops began to fall on my arms, licking the wounds on my knees and elbows and causing me to wince in pain. 

I wanted to go further and further until my limbs could no longer hold my body standing. Another mile had passed and the rain had progressed into a downpour that prohibited from me seeing five feet in front of me. My muscles were screaming for me to stop, and I collapsed to the cold, wet pavement below me. I let out a cry for help and almost hoped for Noah to come and get me. 

The cars whirring past me laying on the sidewalk didn't bother to stop and care for me. It just had to be that one truck that stopped on the side of the ride, that one person to get out in the torrential downpour to get me to safety, that one guy who I dreaded his very presence the most: Noah.

I can vividly remember him picking me up and carrying my almost lifeless body into his truck. Once inside, he turned the ignition on to generate some heat in the car and wrapped several towels and blankets around me. I remember him saying, "What were you thinking? Were you trying to kill yourself?" I couldn't remember anything more, for I fell into a deep slumber where I dreamed of a perfect world with no one but me and Noah together, forever.

The truck was still pulled off to the side of the road when I woke. I felt vibrations tickling my finger tips, and I could hear the gentle fall of rain hitting a window and slowly dripping down. I realized later that the vibrations were coming from Noah. His deep voice was projecting a song quietly from his lips, but because my head was resting near his chest, it sounded so much louder. He hadn't realized that I was awake, so I keep listening to him with my eyes closed.

"...just wanna know you, know you, know you. Cause all I know is we said hello, and your eyes look like coming home, oh. All I know is a simple name, everything has changed." Once I recognized the tune, I started singing with him. It spooked him a little and made him jump, but he looked down at me, still wet and wrapped like a baby in towels, and smiled as we sang together. "...you'll be mine and I'll be yours. All I know since yesterday is everything has changed."

I began experiencing this funny feeling deep in my chest once he clicked the radio off when I really began to think about the magical experience we had together.

"How are you feeling?" He asked gently.

"Okay." I replied, rubbing my eyes.

"Okay' is such a general term. How are you really feeling?"

"I feel elated, tired, dizzy, and anxious. Is that better than generic for you?" I asked him.

"Yes, there's a lot more description in that second answer." He beamed at me. "Are you planning on getting home at a certain time? I mean, not to ruin the moment or anything, but I wouldn't want you getting in trouble with your parents." Parents. I realized that my parents were out of town that weekend and I had the house to myself; and Kally. I gasped and jerked up.

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