bill finished his page and moved onto the next. no matter how tired he was, he plowed though it for stanley, with a smile on his face.

he was startled by a knock on his door and he quickly shut his book out of instinct. before bill could answer, his door slowly opened and his moms head popped in.

"william, stanley's on the phone for you. it's late, so don't talk to long. i'm going to bed so make sure georgie gets in all right." bill nodded his head as his mom left his room. he pushed his chair out under him, the sound of the chair scraping on the floor making him cringe.

before he left the room, he picked up both of the books and carefully placed them in his desk drawer, just in case georgie came in. if he saw what he was working on, bill knew for sure that georgie would accidentally say something to stan about it.

bill tiptoed down the hallway and slowly made his way down the stairs, trying not to be too loud.

as bill approached the kitchen, he reached out for the phone that was placed on the side table.

he picked up the cold object and brought it up to his ear, instantly hearing the soft breaths of his boyfriend on the other line. "h-hi stanley." bill spoke up, keeping his voice to a hushed whisper.

"hello bill." right away bill picked up on the shakiness behind his voice and bill fell into a black hole of worry.

"stan—are you o-okay?" bill's eyebrows furrowed as he pursed his lips, waiting for a response.

"actually, i um—i wanted to talk to you about something." bill's face grew pale as he stared at the white wall with a blank expression.

he felt sick to his stomach, his mind instantly going to the worst possible scenario. 'was stan going to break up with me?'

"d-did i do s-something—" bill gagged, pausing as his tears spilled out. his stomach bubbles with anxiety and fear, not wanting to continue this conversation. "s-something wrong?"

stan was silent for a few moments, lost in his thoughts. technically bill didn't do anything wrong. stan didn't know the full story, although he could sense something was up. "not necessarily, it's just the other day i—actually can i just come over?" stan cut himself off, the tone of his voice changing as he tried to hold back his tears.

"stan, it's-its late and m-my parents are sleeping, along w-with georgie. i don't think—" bill trailed off, his voice barely audible.

"bill. i don't think i can wait. i really hate confrontation and i know if i wait i'll chicken out. this has been eating me alive and i don't think i can wait bill." stan choked out, breaking down.

bill didn't know what to do. on one hand, if his parents found out bill had stan over, they would kill him, but on the other hand, stan really needed bill.

"ok. just be q-quiet one you come i-in. i'll unlock the d-door for you, come up to m-my room. s-see you s-soon." before stan could reply, bill hung up the phone and ran back upstairs, not caring if his parents heard him anymore.

"bill?" stan sniffled as he opened his bedroom door. his room was pitch black, with only the moonlight behind his curtains lighting it up.

bill was curled under his blankets, softly crying to himself. stan's 'words' ran through his head, over and over again:

'bill i'm sorry, but i'm breaking up with you.'

bird boy ☼ stenbrough DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now