Tears of Joy

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Song : Love Lust by King Charles.

Tears of Joy

The hospital was a strange place. It held death and life within its walls. It also had memories. The memories of the people waiting, waiting for either life or death of their loved ones. It held tears of joy and tears of sorrow. I sat here wondering. Tears of joy have come my way but are they truly tears of joy?

It started with the words 'Never let a women go, even when you know she can always be replaced.' It was words I had not really taken into consideration. But had I known meeting Michelle would change me back then? Well no, but it certainly did change me.

Meeting Michelle showed me, it showed me our lust only grows like anger and revenge, your beauty comes and goes but love stays, until the end.

She was a ray of Sunshine in my life. She had the strength of Greeks and for me she was God's Masterpiece. She was my every triumph and every victory. Her beauty was my fortress and so my love was revoked. I fell in love with her.

It took me more than a while to get her to believe me. She had faced things I wouldn't want anyone to face, after all being beaten by your own father can do that to you.

She took a while to trust me. But I seemed to have made up my mind the minute I saw her for the first time in the music store. Her most favorite thing in the world was music and I wouldn't have even seen her if my friend hadn't dragged me there.

Life wasn't always fair with us. Her father was getting more out of control the more she grew. By the time Michelle had grown to trust me and love me as much as I loved her and had promised to be at my side whether I was hiding in the city or tearing through the wild, it was too late.

My love wasn't enough to keep her safe. Suddenly I released that I would die in the dark to feel her skin on my skin.

And so I ended up in the hospital, but unlike now, I didn't have happy tears, back then it was my worst nightmare playing out in front of me. The doctors said she was severely beaten and they would try to save her, that they would do their best. All I knew was if she survived I was going to make sure to treasure her every beating heart, the heart that set my Soul on fire. The love that set my Soul on fire.

It was five days of agony for me, but I held on to hope, the hope of seeing her smile, the hope of hearing her voice.

And hear her voice I did, when it was certain she would make it, I was the first one there and I was on one knee when she opened her eyes, I was the reason for her to smile after a long time and my wish to hear her beautiful voice came true with just one word.

My tears of sorrow turned to tears of joy in milliseconds and then all I had to do was hold her, hold her and promise to keep her safe.

It wasn't easy, but somehow it lead me here, waiting in the same hospital and wondering if my tears were of joy or sorrow.

At first it was total joy. But later the fear settled in my stomach.

Michelle came with news that she was pregnant which brought absolute joy, that was until we saw the doctor. He told us she might not make it or the baby might not make it.

Michelle was against the idea of killing what we had made with our love and so it started, the fear, it settled in my heart and for the whole nine months I waited, and I watched.

She seemed to be happy and sad all at the same time. It confused me. But I held on.

Now, I sat here waiting for the nurse to come out and tell me the news. I was suppose to be in there with my love, but due to complications they sent me out.

The nurse came out and beckoned me. I rushed to her side, with baited breath, I waited for her to tell me the news.

She smiled and led me to a room where I saw a pink crib.

My eyes were leaking with joy when I saw my little beauty, my little princess with her eyes closed and stretching her tiny body with a small yawn.

She was a sight to behold. I picked her up and held her. The joy that overwhelmed me was so powerful.

But fear stayed in my heart and I turned my head to the nurse and asked her about my wife.

I thought my world would come crashing down when she again asked me to follow her. I took a deep breath and followed her with my little princess in my arms.

The sight I saw was my wife, sleeping peacefully.

Tears overwhelmed me and I knew for certain that my life will be more than happy now.

For the second time in my life, I could tell for certain that Love indeed set my Soul on fire.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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