Hitting it off with the cute girl

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"U-um hi!, hello!, hey!".

She snickered a bit under her breath, "So Ymir, you're the new girl, huh?".

"Uhhhhhh yeah, is.........is that a problem?".

This time she laughed loudly, "No! of course not you pretty thing".

"Why-why are you laughing????".

"Because you're so cute!", She grabbed my hands and held them up to my chest, "So, you pretty thing, do you know what your schedule is? Cause if not, I can totally help you with that".

"Um w-well, I haven't really thought about it. I was honestly just gonna wing it, but everything here is rather new to me so if you could help me out then that would be great".

"Of course pretty thing!, May I see your schedule please?".

"Uhm s-sure", I searched through my skirt pocket and fished out a crumpled piece of paper that I handed over to Krista.

I sat there nervously fiddling with my thumbs as she scanned it over feeling rather embarrassed that it was so crumpled.

"Wow", was all that left her beautiful plump lips before she gave me a smile.

"Wh-what is it?".

"We literally have all the same classes, except one which is health".

"Awwww bummer".

"What do ya mean?, this is a great thing!".


"Because I like you Ymir, you just have this....vibe to you, and I can already tell that we'll be really close friends".

"O-oh ok, I don't know why you like me tho, I'm not that cool", I shrunk back into my seat after the realization hit me.......that I'm a loser.

"Well I think your cool".

I blushed a deep scarlet "R-really!? You think I'm cool".

She put her hands on my shoulders "Well of course pretty thing, You're cooler than a few girls I know in this school, some of them are just....mean", Her voice lowered a little toward the end.

"O-oh wow, no one's ever said that to me before", I scratched the back of my head out of embarrassment and.......maybe even out of new found feelings that i couldn't particularly put my finger on.

"Awwwww yay, that means I'm the first then!".


"Mmmm, You might wanna pack up your stuff now, the bell is gonna ring in a few seconds".

"O-oh of course!", I grabbed my large school supply stuffed backpack off the floor, and put it over my bony shoulders.

And the bell is gonna ring in 3...2...1!

As if on cue all the students got up from there benches, some pushed past others, some stood to the side, all I know is that everyone was hustling to get to their lockers and me......I was walking with Krista.


We walked all the way to the second floor where my locker was, and Krista's locker was apparently close to mine, how convenient.

"Hey Ymir, can I see your schedule again?".

"Um no problem", I took the schedule out of my pocket again, and handed it to her.

Soon she started maneuvering her beautifully curvy figure around different lockers before she stopped at locker D061.

"Ah here we are! Right next to mine, so Ymir your locker number is D061 and the combination is 20-36-15".

"Thanks for looking at it for me, that was really nice".

"No problem pretty thing, here let me help you!".

She placed her hand over mine that was on the combination knob and helped me turn to each number 20-36-15, she then used the bottom knob of the locker and pushed it up and open.

"There ya go!".

"Wow! Thanks Krista!" I set my backpack on the floor right next to me and...........

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