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Jungkook sighs as he opens the door to his and Yoongi's apartment, but when he enters the apartment, he didn't expect to see two people in his bed. The two bodies were sleeping and the both of them had really messy hair as well, and the sight might've looked funny, because Jungkook's bed is a double bed, but it's still pretty small for some reason. The bed was supposed to be for two people, but the 20 year old thought it was for two small kids instead of two adults.

So the sight looks a bit funny.

He walks closer to the two sleeping boys, and he immediately recognizes Yoongi, but he didn't recognize the other boy, even though he looks kind of familiar to him as well. The boy looks the same age as himself, or maybe even younger. He has blonde hair, which Jungkook assumes is not his real hair color, but he doesn't think too much more about the sleeping boy and decides to wake up his older friend.

"Yoongi hyung!" he says loudly, and shakes the older's shoulder, which was far from lightly. He continues to do the same thing, until the older wakes up "Wake the fuck up, hyung! This is my bed and y'all gonna fucking wash the bedsheets now!"

Eventually Yoongi woke up, and the first thing he did was the push the younger boy away "Jesus christ, kid! Can you fucking not? This is a day where I finally can sleep a bit longer, but you decides to wake me up?" he says, really annoyed "I'm the real victim here, not the ones you beat up, cuz I gotta live with your ass"

Jungkook rolls his eyes, since his roommate would always tell him this, when he decides to wake Yoongi up "Whatever, but we said we weren't gonna bring our one night stands home, so why the fuck are you laying in our bed with some dude?" he asks and sits down in a chair near the bed, while Yoongi stands up from the bed and got on some boxers "Oh my, I really didn't have to see that"

The older ignored the last thing "I'm laying in this bed, with 'some' dude because you never came back home last night, so I invited him over"

"What? You invited him? So he's not just one of your one night stands?"

"What do you mean my one night stands? This is the only dude I invite over here"

"Ah, that's why he seems so familiar"

"Anyway, where were you last night?"

Jungkook was about to tell him everything about his one night stand, everything from his perfect, smooth skin to his little mole on his nose, even the fact that he was in another gang. However, he had to stop himself from the last detail "Ah, I was just getting fucked by some guy and let me tell you, he was really fucking hot"

"How hot?"

"To the point where I wish he wasn't my one night stand, but my 365 night stand"

"Why didn't you ask for his number? Also, I had no idea you were a bottom"

"I couldn't ask him, and I had no idea either, so I wasn't the only one who got fucked in the ass in that bed" Yoongi nods, since he didn't expect the younger to talk so bluntly about his sex life. Jungkook is usually shy, at least around people he know, like Yoongi. However, when it comes to other people, he becomes more cocky and straightforward, since he doesn't wanna seem weak.

"Why couldn't you ask him? Does he have a boyfriend?" Yoongi knew the last thing he asked is stupid, cuz the younger would still ask for someone's number, even if they had a partner.

Jungkook just shrugs "I don't know if he had a boyfriend, but this morning when we woke up and ate breakfast, some dude walked into the apartment and got mad" he explains.

"It was probably his boyfriend and you probably ruined a relationship, good job kid"

"Hey, I'm not the one who cheated on someone, so don't attack me for this" the younger says and walks into the kitchen, to get something to drink. When he opened the fridge, he couldn't be more disappointed "Did you little fucks drink all of my chocolate milk? What the actual fuck?"

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