Chapter Nine

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Sitting across from the most dangerous man in London. Jim Moriarty. His devilish stare making me uncomfortable. I don't know what to do, should I leave, or tell him my little game? My mouth is extremely dry and I don't have any thing to drink, considering I haven't ordered.

"So, Lynn, what little 'game' do you have for me?" Moriarty's voice was cheerful, but anyone who knew him knows he's far from kind. I take a moment to mill out my thoughts.

"My little game is that I'll help you out or I'll die to get out of your way." I take a huge breath. What am I doing?

"Oh-oh! Really! You've finally come to your senses!" He exclaims, making me jump. "So, you'll either join me or die? It's a win-win!" I think about his words for a while. A win-win situation? As if. I know at least John would miss me if I'm killed.

"Yes, I suppose so. But I need you to tell me why you want me gone. Why I need to die." I sit back in my chair and cross my arms. I may look relaxed but I'm far from it.

"Ah, I can do that Ms. Chance." Jim pauses and checks his phone real quick. "Well, let's see I have time to explain. I really did love you, but Mr. Holmes had been meaning to talk to me on that roof top, I had to have him die, or else his friends would be killed. That's his weak link. Friends. But he figured out there was a call-off code that I knew, he was quite correct. Being myself I decided to pull the 'fake suicide' card, much like Sherlock had done." I remember seeing on the news and in the papers about his death.

"So your suicide was fake? Just like Sherlock's?"

"Well, obviously. I wouldn't be here if it was real." He rises from his chair, placing a few pounds on the table. "How about you join me, I'll text you details." I sit there confused and shocked as he walked away. I had just made a deal with the devil.


When I returned to the flat it was empty, I imagine it was a case, but I wasn't in the mood. The door was locked to John's room and I started to pack up my things, crying all the way. First was my clothes, then my violin, books, laptop, and other belongings. I quickly wrote a note to the two. I had picked up the box and locked the door of 221B Baker street for the last time. (A/N: Okay, so we're going to John's point of view for a while, considering Lynn's having a crying fest in the new apartment Moriarty got for her.)

John's POV

Sherlock and I walk into the sitting room to see Lynn hasn't come back, but something wasn't right. The coffee table had an envelope on it and it had our names on the front. The detective picks up the envelope and rips it open. The letter was short and lacking details.

Dear Sherlock and John,

I hate to inform you two, but something came up and I had to leave. It's not you, it's me and I'm not exactly sure if I'll be coming back anytime soon, but I intend to. If you need anything, don't call my old phone number, I have received a new one, call Lestrade, he could probably fish out something about me and my past if you really want to find me. Please remember, save yourselves, don't worry about me and enjoy life. You have the rest of it to be the great duo you are. -Lynn Chance-

"Sherlock, come here." I hand Sherlock the paper and his eyes widen. "What do you think 'save yourselves' means?"

"Mycroft mentioned a terrorist attack planned when I returned, maybe that's what she's referring to. But somethings not right, and it's not Lynn's fault she's gone. Its Moriarty's." I turn around to see him half way down the stairs. God, that man keeps me on my feet. (A/N: another quick point of view change. Back to Lynn's POV)

Lynn's POV

I arrive at my new flat. Not as nice as 221B, but acceptable. As soon as I walk into the door, the smell of ccologne and tea fills my nose. Moriarty. Of course he'd be here before I even got to settle down. The walls are a dark blue, similar to the walls in my old place, the stairs are a light oak wood and are about three years old. Stop! I can't let anyone else know I can deduce things like Sherlock. Moriarty will use that to his advantage. I open the door to the kitchen, only to see Moriarty and Sebastian Moran, chatting away.

"Hello, Sebastian, Jim." I nod as they turn their heads toward around.

"Ah, Ms. Chance! Welcome to your new home!" Jim gets up and hugs me. "Love, you will be totally happy to join us. The side of the angles is no fun." Not only am I backstabbing Sherlock and John, but I'm backstabbing Lestrade, Sally, and everyone else at Scotland Yard. And my Mum and Dad. Oh God, they will be so disappointed. I hope the two catch onto my scheme to bring down Moriarty soon.


A/N: HAHA! CLIFF HANGER!! I hope you enjoyed! Chapter ten should be out soon, and I promise it will be longer.  BREAKING NEWS: SERIES THREE OF SHERLOCK AND STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS ARE ON NETFLIX!!! EEEK!!!!!! Talk to you guys later, going to go on a fangirl frenzy, God, I'm such a nerd. -AM

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